
Tag - Artificial Intelligence

AI Experts, Elon Musk Want UN Ban On AI Military Weapons


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Now more than ever, with the advancement of technology, life has been given the possibility to flourish or to lead towards self-destruct. It is up to us to make the difference.

CEO of SpaceX, Elon Musk and leading many other tech industry figures and researchers have signed an open letter to the United Nations insisting to regulate the use of AI in building autonomous weapons.

The Open Letter by Future of Life Institute backed by 116 signees including Elon Musk and Alphabet’s Mustafa Suleyman raises awareness how Artificial Intelligence and Robotics may be repurposed to develop autonomous weapons causing destruction to life.

Autonomous weaponry refers to using Artificial Intelligence to target locations to attack, or avoiding from such an attack.Used in applications such as AI driven, drone weaponry systems that independently analyze the surroundings and attack when seeing a specified target. If such technology is fallen into the hands of wrong people, it will cause a massive destruction.

As stated in the letter:

Lethal autonomous weapons threaten to become the third revolution in warfare. Once developed, they will permit armed conflict to be fought at a scale greater than ever, and at timescales faster than humans can comprehend. These can be weapons of terror, weapons that despots and terrorists use against innocent populations, and weapons hacked to behave in undesirable ways.

In previous instances, professionals have warned that deployment of autonomous weapons will be achievable within years, rather than in decades. Even though with the help of AI, could reduce casualties among human soldiers – at least in the most powerful and advanced nations but the risk to civilians is still high.  

The industry experts and researchers had called for lethal autonomous weapons to be included in the list of banned weapons under the UN’s convention on certain conventional weapons (CCW) brought into force in 1983. It consists of chemical and intentionally blinding laser weapons.

Elon Musk

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has warned on many occasions about taking proactive measures for regulation of AI :

“ by the time we are reactive in AI regulation, it’s too late ”.

Once he also stated that AI is one of the existential threats to the human race.

Looking at the continuous development achieved by AI, AlphaGo winning against world’s best human Go player, AlphaGo Zero defeating a world champion program, the Sea Hunter US’s autonomous warship built by Vigor Industrial, it is high time for humans to decide on the future of AI.


Facebook AI creates its own language?


“The World is a small place”. You may have heard this phrase many times in many places. But is it true? The world or “earth” in a more planetary aspect, may smaller than Saturn or Andromeda Galaxy, but still, it’s not that small. It’s a large civilization of 7 billion inhabitants. One pillar that holding the stability and sustainability of this community is communication. So how we communicate? The answer to that simple question is “using languages”. The linguistic research estimates that there are 5000 to 7000 languages in this world. But how many languages do you know? Then translators become handier in communication between people.


Today Facebook is a social networking service with 2 billion monthly active users. To enhance the networking and communication capabilities of the platform, Facebook comes with a new translation engine fueled with artificial intelligence. This time Facebook does not amaze us with AI capabilities that can create own language, but they try to assist with our human languages.

Facebook performs about 4.5 billion translations daily. The new system expected to do these translations with higher accuracy. The old system used simpler phrase-based machine translation models. The phrase-based system translated sentences word by word and usually made meaningless phrases. But in the neural network, it considers the whole sentence once. For that, Facebook uses machine learning functionality called long short-term memory network.

This system is capable of learning things by analyzing enormous amounts of data. The Facebook engineers say that their technique is nine times more efficient than other neural network-based methods. Christopher Manning, a professor at Stanford University said that using the Facebook’s neural system “You can have parallel computation on different parts of a sentence, You don’t have to push things along word by word.”

One more interesting thing is, Facebook achieved to perform translations with their new system by using lesser computing power. This means it can do more with its available data center hardware and other resources. Sometimes this can be a small advantage, but in some scenarios, it can become a huge leap over other translation systems.


The Facebook’s Applied Machine Learning team is planning to make the software engine open-source. So you and I also can contribute to the system in the near future. This is one step ahead towards the initiative of internet’s biggest companies, to freely share their AI research. We can forecast that translation will evolve far more quickly across the Internet, with the help of other tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and Baidu, not only Facebook.



කෘත්‍රිම බුද්ධියට වහල් වීම

2013 වර්ෂයේදී තිරගතවූ “Her” චිත්‍රපටියේදී හුදකලා ලේඛකයෙක් තමාගේ ඩිජිටල් සහකාරිය සමඟ ප්‍රේමයෙන් බැඳෙනවා. ඇය ඔහුගේ සියලු කටයුතු සඳහා උදව් වෙනවා වගේම ඔහුට පෞද්ගලික උපදෙස් පවා ලබා දෙනවා. අවසානයේ ඔහු ඇයව පෙම්වතිය බවට පත් කරගන්නවා . Samantha නම් වෙන මේ ඩිජිටල් සහකාරිය විශ්මයජනක වේගයකින් අළුත් දේ ඉගෙනගන්නා  A.I. මෘදුකාංගයක්.

Samantha අවම වශයෙන් තවත් දශකයක් පමණ විද්‍යා ප්‍රබන්ධයක් ලෙසම පවතීවි. කෙසේවුවත් bots [1] (රොබෝ ) නම්වූ අඩු-ක්‍රියාකාරී ඩිජිටල් සහායකයින් දැනටමත් අප අතරට ඇවිත්. මේවා අපගේ නිවෙස් වල 2017 දී දැකිය හැකි තවත් එක් විශ්මයජනක තාක්ෂණික දියුණුවීමක් වේවි.

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