
Top Tech Stories of 2016

2016 is almost over and we came across multiple groundbreaking news over the year. There were some exciting and also disappointing announcements made. Let’s check them out.

Top 20 Brain Twisting movies

There are millions of movies out there under different genres. But there are some movies which we make our brain hurt after watching them, and most of such movies only can be understood...

Privacy in the Cloud

Cloud service එකක් කියන්නේ කුමක්ද? Internet හරහා අපිට ලබා ගන්න පුළුවන් ඕනෑම සම්පතක්...

VR Socializing on Facebook

What if Facebook gives you a social interaction with VR experience? Facebook VP Socializing is a new experience which is still under research, however, will be a revolution whenever it...

Is Windows Phone that bad?

Most of the people have a negative image on Windows phones. Many of them haven’t even put their hands on one, but simply putting it down because of what they’ve heard. This article is...