
Category - OS

Linux is coming to Windows Store!

-A less technical side of the Story

Microsoft and Open Source

Microsoft has made grounds in its decade-long crusade against FOSS. A company which once openly held the belief that the Open Source Software model is breaking the whole IT industry announced a Windows Subsystem for Linux. Since its inception, Microsoft has been extremely careful who gets to see the inside of their moneymaker – Windows. Nothing much has changed even at this point regarding the way they hold the source code for Windows, a sacred mystery. 


But the world changed faster than Windows could catch up. Cloud computing and many other infrastructures became the norm and since Linux dominated the cloud and a result dominated the whole internet, Microsoft knew Windows alone would not keep their company going.  It’s the cloud game that changes Microsoft’s view on Linux. It is said that one in three Azure Virtual Machines run Linux.  Eventually, Microsoft found its way into the world of Open Source Software, becoming a top contributor to the Linux Kernel.

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With Treble, Android O comes to you with faster updates!


Anyone with a prolonged experience on using Android would know how much of a lagging process it takes for a new version to arrive on your device finally. Some lucky guys will get it quickly, depending on the phone manufacturer, while others have to wait for ages, or they never get it. For every Android user out there who’re hyped about the newest upgrade “Android O”, here’s good news! This time round, it’s equipped with the latest feature named Treble, which enables the Android updates to arrive faster and make it all easier and less costly for the manufacturers.

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Android’s new “Instant Tethering” feature

Most of the time students in the university cannot access student Wi-Fi service without getting slow. Then they tend to use their mobile phones’ mobile hotspot service. This is a common situation for most of the internet users that have to face in their day to day life. But setting up the mobile hotspot service on their phones tend to be a little tedious.

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Apple සහ FBI ආරවුල ගැන ඔබ දත යුතු සියල්ල

Apple සමාගම සහ FBI ආයතනය අතර ඇතිවී ඇති ආරවුල ගැන ඔබ දැනටමත් අසා ඇති බවට සැක නැත. අපගේ මේ සූදානම එම ගැටලුව පිළිබඳව නැවතත් මුල සිට අවධානය යොමු කිරීමටයි.

පසුගිය වසරේ දෙසැම්බර් 15 දින ඇමරිකා එක්සත් ජනපදයේ කැලිෆෝනියා ප්‍රාන්තයේ සැන් බර්නාඩීනෝ ප්‍රදේශයට එල්ල වූ ත්‍රස්ත ප්‍රහාරයකින් 14o දෙනෙකු මරණයට ලක්වූ අතර 22 ක පිරිසක් බරපතල ලෙස තුවාල ලද හ. මෙම ප්‍රහාරයට වගකිව යුතු යැයි සැළකුණු අය අතර Syed Rizwan Farook නැමැත්තෙකු ද සිටියේය.

පසුගිය පෙබරවාරි 9 වනදා FBI ආයතනය ප්‍රකාශ කර සිටියේ, මෙම ප්‍රහාරයට සම්බන්ධ අයවලුන්ගේ දුරකථනයන් අතර තමන්ට අගුළු ලිහීමට නොහැකි එක් දුරකථනයක් ඇති බවයි. එය මෙම Rizwan Farook භාවිත කළ iPhone 5C වර්ගයේ දුරකථනයයි.

Apple iPhone 5C මාදිලියේ දුරකථනයක්

Apple iPhone 5C මාදිලියේ දුරකථනයක්

FBI ආයතනයට මෙලෙස දුරකථනයට ඇතුල්වීමට නොහැකි වූයේ iPhone දුරකථන වල ඇති ප්‍රධාන ආරක්‍ෂක උපක්‍රම දෙකක් හේතුවෙනි.

ඉන් පළමුවැන්න නම් iPhone වලටම සුවිශේෂී අගුලු තිරය යි. මෙහිදී ඔබට දුරකථනයට පිවිසීමට අවැසි නම් එක්කෝ අදාල මුරපදය නිවැරදිව ඇතුළත් කළයුතුය; නැතහොත් නිවැරදි ඇඟිලි සළකුණ ලබාදිය යුතුය. ඇපල් සමාගම iOS මෙහෙයුම් පද්ධතිය නිමවා ඇත්තේ මෙම මුරපදය පරිගණක මෘදුකාංගයක් ඇසුරෙන් ඇතුළත් කළ නොහැකි වන ලෙසය. සරලව කිවහොත්, එය මිනිස් ස්පර්ශකින්ම ලබාදිය යුතු ය. තව ද, එක් වැරදි මුරපදයකින් පසුව ඊළඟ මුරපදය ඇතුළත් කිරීමේ අවස්ථාව දක්වා මිලි තත්පර 80ක ප්‍රමාදයක් පවතී. මෙය සාමාන්‍ය පුද්ගලයෙකුට සංවේදී නොවුණ ද වේගවත් නූතන පරිගණකයකට මෙය අධික කාලයකි. ඇපල් සමාගම මෙම ආරක්‍ෂණ පිළිවෙත් ගෙන ඇත්තේ brute force නැමැති විකේතන ක්‍රියාවලියෙන් සිය උපාංගයකට ඇතුළුවීමට ඇති හැකියාව ඉවත්කිරීමට ය.

දෙවැනි කරුණ නම් මුරපද ඇතුල්කිරීමේ දී යම්කිසි අසාර්ථක උත්සාහයන් ගණනකට පසුව, දුරකථනය විසින් ස්වයංක්‍රීයව එහි ඇති සියළු දත්ත මකා දැමීමයි. මෙම අසාර්ථක උත්සාහයන් ගණන තීරණය කරන්නේ අදාළ දුරකථනයේ හිමිකරුවා ය. මෙය iOS පද්ධතියට ආවේණික උපක්‍රමයක් නොවුණද, FBI ආයතනයට මෙම දුරකථනය සමග විනෝද වීමට ඇති හැකියාව මෙමගින් නැතිවී ඇත.

එහි ප්‍රතිඵලයක් ලෙස FBI ආයතනය ඇපල් සමාගමෙන් ඉල්ලා සිටියේ මෙම ආරක්‍ෂණ ක්‍රමෝපායන් මඟහැරවිය හැකි සුවිශේෂී iOS මෙහෙයුම් පද්ධතියක් අදාළ iPhone දුරකථනයේ RAM එකෙහි ධාවනය කරවීමට නිෂ්පාදනය කර දෙන ලෙසයි. (මෙම මෙහෙයුම් පද්ධතිය දැන් හැඳින්වෙන්නේ GovtOS ලෙසයි.) ඇපල් සමාගම එයට විරෝධය පෑවේ සිය නිෂ්පාදන සතු ආරක්‍ෂක මෙවලම් තර්ජනයට ලක්වන ලෙස කටයුතු නොකිරීමේ ප්‍රතිපත්තිය මත ය. FBI ආයතනය මෙයට ප්‍රතිචාර දැක්වූයේ අදාළ මෘදුකාංගය නිෂ්පාදනය කරන ලෙස, ෆෙඩරල් විනිසුරුවරයෙකු හරහා ඇපල් සමාගමට උසාවි නියෝගයක් නිකුත් කිරීමෙනි. මෙය සිතාසියක් නොවූ අතර, 1789 දී සම්මත වූ එක්සත් ජනපදයේ සියළු ආඥා පනත යටතේ නිකුත් කරන ලද්දකි.

[mks_pullquote align=”right” width=”300″ size=”24″ bg_color=”#000000″ txt_color=”#ffffff”]මේ වනතුරු කිසිදු ආණ්ඩුවක් මෙවන් ඉල්ලීමක් කර නැති බවද ඔහු වැඩිදුරටත් පැවසීය.[/mks_pullquote]සිය පාරිභෝගිකයින් වෙත ප්‍රසිද්ධ ලියුමක් ඉදිරිපත් කරමින් ඇපල් ආයතනයේ ප්‍රධාන විධායක නිළධාරී Tim Cook පැවසුවේ, එම නියෝගයට අවනත වීමට ඇපල් ආයතනය සූදානම් නැති බවයි. එහිදී ඔහු තවදුරටත් පැහැදිලි කළේ සිය මෙලෙස පසුදොරක් විවර කිරීමෙන් iPhone භාවිත කරන සියලුදෙනාගේම තොරතුරු වල රහස්‍යභාවයට එල්ල වන තර්ජනය යි. මෙවන් බලවත් ආයුධයක් වැරදි අත්වලට නොයෑම පිළිබඳව ගතහැකි හොඳම පියවර එවන් මෙහෙයුම් පද්ධතියක් කිසිදා නිර්මාණය නොකිරීම බව Tim Cook තරයේ අවධාරණය කරයි. මේ වනතුරු කිසිදු ආණ්ඩුවක් මෙවන් ඉල්ලීමක් කර නැති බවද ඔහු වැඩිදුරටත් පැවසීය.

ඇපල් ආයතනයේ විධායක නිළධාරීන් පවසන පරිදි සිය ආයතනය FBI වෙත මෙම ගැටලුවට විසඳුම් ලෙස විකල්ප හතරක් ලබාදී ඇත.


2015 ඔක්තෝබර් 19 දින සිට මෙම දුරකථනයට අදාළ iCloud ගිණුමේ තොරතුරු ගබඩා වීම ඇණහිට ඇත. එයට පැහැදිලි හේතුවක් තවමත් ඉදිරිපත්වී නැත. FBI අායතනය පවසන්නේ අදාළ ප්‍රාදේශීය නිළධාරීන් විසින් iCloud ගිණුමේ මුරපදය ප්‍රතිසකස් කිරීම හේතුවෙන් ස්වයංක්‍රීය දත්ත ගබඩාව සඳහා ඇති ඉඩකඩද ඇහිරී ඇති බවයි. ඊට පිළිතුරු ලෙස ප්‍රාදේශීය නිළධාරීන් පැවසුවේ, මෙම මුරපද වෙනස්කිරීම සිදුවූයේ FBI හි අනුදැනුම යටතේ බවයි.

කෙසේ වූවද ඇපල් ආයතනයේ මෙම විරෝධතාවට පිළිතුරු ලෙස, පෙබරවාරි 19 දින ඇමරිකානු අධිකරණ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව නව අයදුම්පතක් ගොනුකරමින් ෆෙඩරල් විනිසුරන්ගෙන් ඉල්ලා සිටියේ ඇපල් ආයතනය හට නියෝගය සමග එකඟ වන ලෙස විධානය කරන ලෙසයි. එම අයදුම්පතෙහි, ඇපල් ආයතනයට සිය ව්‍යාපාර ස්ථානයේදීම ජංගම දුරකථනයට අදාළ මෘදුකාංගමය වෛරසය ඇතුළත් කළහැකි බවත්, FBI ආයතනය විසින් දුරස්ථ සබඳතාවක් ඔස්සේ ජංගම දුරකථනයට ඇතුල්වී අදාළ තොරතුරු පිටපත් කරගත් පසුව, ඇපල් සමාගමට එම වෛරසය නැවත ඉවත්කර විනාශකර දැමිය හැකි බව සඳහන් විය.

මේ පිළිබඳව අදහස් දැක්වූ Tim Cook පැවසුවේ, GovtOS මෙහෙයුම් පද්ධතිය ඇපල් ආයතන පරිශ්‍රයෙන් පිටතට නොයන ලෙස සුරක්‍ෂිතව නිෂ්පාදනය කළද, එය කේතනය කරන සංවර්ධකවරුන්ගේ මතකයන් තුළින් එය ඉවත්කළ නොහැකි බවයි. ඒ නිසාම බාහිර පාර්ශ්වයන් විසින් අදාළ සේවකයින්ව තර්ජනයට ලක්කර අදාළ තොරතුරු ලබාගැනීමේ අවදානමක් ඇපල් සමාගමට පවතියි.

ප්‍රභවය: ABC Breaking News

ඇපල් සමාගම හට උසාවි නියෝගයට පූර්ණ ප්‍රතිචාරයක් දැක්වීමට පෙබරවාරි 26 දක්වා කල් ලැබුණි.

පසුව, එම උසාවි නියෝගය පිළිබඳව මෝසමක් ඉදිරිපත් කරමින් ඇපල් ආයතනය පවසා සිටියේ “කේතනය යනු අදහස් ප්‍රකාශකිරීමේ ක්‍රමයක්” වන බව සහ, අදහස් ප්‍රකාශකිරීමේ අයිතිය පිළිබඳව ඇති නෛතික තත්ත්වය කේතනය සඳහා ද අදාළ වන බව පැවසීමෙනි.

ඇපල් සමාගම ඉදිරිපත් කළ මෝසමේ සංක්‍ෂිප්තය

ඇතැමුන්ගේ මතය මෙම “කේතනය භාෂාවකි” යන්න ප්‍රයෝගයක් බවත්, එය වත්මන් ගැටලුව හමුවේ ඇපල් ආයතනයට පිහිටක් නොවනු ඇති බවත් ය. මේ පිළිබඳ නවතම තොරතුරු ඉදිරි දිනවලදී ඔබ වෙත ගෙන ඒමට අපි බලාපොරොත්තු වෙමු.

All you need to know about CyanogenMod.


Many of you have heard about Cyanogen after arriving of OnePlus One to Sri Lankan market. Few of you might already familiar with custom ROMs such as CyanogenMod, Paranoid Android, and many other. In this article you may learn more about CyanogenMod and related information to make best out of your smartphone. 🙂

What is CyanogenMod?


 CyanogenMod is an open source smartphone operating system based on Android. It will allows your smartphone’s hidden features to activate and bring the best outcome. Technically speaking, original android firmware might not allow your smartphone to USB or Bluetooth tethering, Wi-Fi hotspot, or many other features that your smartphone already could do. It also can increase your phone’s performance and reliability compared to the original firmware. The hardware components can might have that ability but the software does not. Therefore, CyanogenMod will activate those features and unleash the beast out of your smartphone.

 Why Do I want It?


 You may be having an old phone or you may be having a great phone. For both, Cyanogen works fine to get what you ever want from your smartphone. I personally got involved with CyanogenMod because I didn’t have money to buy a new phone at that time and my phone (Sony Ericsson Walkman – W8) didn’t get the Android 4.0 ICS update. Therefore I had to install CyanogenMod ROM to get the best out of my smartphone. It significantly increased my phone’s performance and features that I can access. Plus, it gave a new look for the phone.

 Even like new smartphones like OnePlus, Samsung, LG and Nexus can get most out of it by installing CyanogenMod ROMs. When I was using my OnePlus One with Oxygen OS, I had a problem with changing the notification light color for certain applications. It wasn’t a problem when I had Cyanogen OS. Mainly you get bored looking at the same interface or wallpaper every day. Cyanogen allows you to apply various themes and even change the interface and gives a brand new look to your smartphone.

 How Can I Get It?


 Now here is the catch! You won’t be able to get CyanogenMod installed to your smartphone and unleash the beast that easily if you haven’t got the brains to yourself. Well, at least you could read, research, understand, and follow the instructions to the letter. And you need to understand that if you are using a new phone with a warranty, it can void warranty. Of course unless or otherwise you are using an awesome smartphone like OnePlus. 😀 (I don’t know about Sri Lankan warranty so you should better check with the buying agreement before you advance forward)

CyanogenMod site prefers 5 easy steps to install for certain smartphones. You can check whether your smartphone is eligible of installing CyanogenMod with these 5 steps by following the link here :

If so you can advance forward.

Follow the link and follow the 5 easy steps :

What If My Phone Is Not On The List?

Don’t worry! Most smartphone’s will not be on that list. Therefore you need to do some research to find a site where you can get instructions to root your phone. After that you can flash CyanogenMod ROMs and enjoy the benefits.

Here is one link :

Type your device name and search it. There will be tabs where you can get information such as Forums, Root info, ROMs, Kernels, and Tools and Utilities. These tabs will be differ to phone to phone so don’t be alarmed.

In Root Info tab, you can learn how to root your device and grant access for flashing custom ROMs. Please be advised to take extreme precautions before you advance and follow the instructions to the letter. I or they will be not responsible for bricking your phone. Do at your own risk! 😀 (If you got brains nothing would go wrong… 😀 )

After rooting your phone, (I assume that you will also have installed a custom recovery mode such as TWRP or CWM while rooting) you can go to the link below and search for the latest CyanogenMod ROM according to your smartphone.

All CyanogenMod ROMs for all devices :

You can download either a stable ROM or a nightly ROM. Stable ones are less features but more stable ROMs. Nightly ones are with more features with some minor glitches. I have installed nightly versions for my OnePlus One and I can assure that they are as good as the stable ones but with more stuffs included.

Then you may need GAPPs (Google APPs) for some versions of CyanogenMod ROMs. Note that Cyanogen can run without GAPPs but you may not be able to go to Playstore and download APPs. Therefore I recommend you to download GAPPs too and install.

Here is the link for GAPPs :

How Can I Install?


 Installation can be vary from device to device. You can search on Google, “how to install CyanogenMod for (device name) or how to flash CyanogenMod for (device name)”. It won’t be that hard after having a rooted device with a custom recovery. Specific instructions will be given by the site where you have got instructions to root your phone and flashed a custom recovery. There you can learn how to flash or install a custom ROM with the TWRP or CWM.

Important Notes!

Please note that I haven’t give you specific instructions or methods to root and flash custom ROMs. Each phone has it’s unique way of rooting so I will not be able to instruct you each and every one of them. Do some research and find an easy way to do it. I did like that. Nobody gave me or teach me how to do these. I did them myself with the help of the internet and my brain. 😀 If I can, you guys can too. May be you guys have friends those who already know about stuff like these. Get help from them too.

If you have an old phone try to flash that first before going to an expensive phone. You may brick your phone if something goes wrong. So, be knowledgeable before you step into the Cyanogen world. 😀 I hope you unleash your beast without a hustle.

Adios Amigos!




Many of you have heard about Cyanogen after arriving of OnePlus One to Sri Lankan market. Few of you might already familiar with custom ROMs such as CyanogenMod, Paranoid Android, and many other. In this article you may learn more about CyanogenMod and related information to make best out of your smartphone. 🙂

What is CyanogenMod?


 CyanogenMod is an open source smartphone operating system based on Android. It will allows your smartphone’s hidden features to activate and bring the best outcome. Technically speaking, original android firmware might not allow your smartphone to USB or Bluetooth tethering, Wi-Fi hotspot, or many other features that your smartphone already could do. It also can increase your phone’s performance and reliability compared to the original firmware. The hardware components can might have that ability but the software does not. Therefore, CyanogenMod will activate those features and unleash the beast out of your smartphone.

 Why Do I want It?


 You may be having an old phone or you may be having a great phone. For both, Cyanogen works fine to get what you ever want from your smartphone. I personally got involved with CyanogenMod because I didn’t have money to buy a new phone at that time and my phone (Sony Ericsson Walkman – W8) didn’t get the Android 4.0 ICS update. Therefore I had to install CyanogenMod ROM to get the best out of my smartphone. It significantly increased my phone’s performance and features that I can access. Plus, it gave a new look for the phone.

 Even like new smartphones like OnePlus, Samsung, LG and Nexus can get most out of it by installing CyanogenMod ROMs. When I was using my OnePlus One with Oxygen OS, I had a problem with changing the notification light color for certain applications. It wasn’t a problem when I had Cyanogen OS. Mainly you get bored looking at the same interface or wallpaper every day. Cyanogen allows you to apply various themes and even change the interface and gives a brand new look to your smartphone.

 How Can I Get It?


 Now here is the catch! You won’t be able to get CyanogenMod installed to your smartphone and unleash the beast that easily if you haven’t got the brains to yourself. Well, at least you could read, research, understand, and follow the instructions to the letter. And you need to understand that if you are using a new phone with a warranty, it can void warranty. Of course unless or otherwise you are using an awesome smartphone like OnePlus. 😀 (I don’t know about Sri Lankan warranty so you should better check with the buying agreement before you advance forward)

CyanogenMod site prefers 5 easy steps to install for certain smartphones. You can check whether your smartphone is eligible of installing CyanogenMod with these 5 steps by following the link here :

If so you can advance forward.

Follow the link and follow the 5 easy steps :

What If My Phone Is Not On The List?

Don’t worry! Most smartphone’s will not be on that list. Therefore you need to do some research to find a site where you can get instructions to root your phone. After that you can flash CyanogenMod ROMs and enjoy the benefits.

Here is one link :

Type your device name and search it. There will be tabs where you can get information such as Forums, Root info, ROMs, Kernels, and Tools and Utilities. These tabs will be differ to phone to phone so don’t be alarmed.

In Root Info tab, you can learn how to root your device and grant access for flashing custom ROMs. Please be advised to take extreme precautions before you advance and follow the instructions to the letter. I or they will be not responsible for bricking your phone. Do at your own risk! 😀 (If you got brains nothing would go wrong… 😀 )

After rooting your phone, (I assume that you will also have installed a custom recovery mode such as TWRP or CWM while rooting) you can go to the link below and search for the latest CyanogenMod ROM according to your smartphone.

All CyanogenMod ROMs for all devices :

You can download either a stable ROM or a nightly ROM. Stable ones are less features but more stable ROMs. Nightly ones are with more features with some minor glitches. I have installed nightly versions for my OnePlus One and I can assure that they are as good as the stable ones but with more stuffs included.

Then you may need GAPPs (Google APPs) for some versions of CyanogenMod ROMs. Note that Cyanogen can run without GAPPs but you may not be able to go to Playstore and download APPs. Therefore I recommend you to download GAPPs too and install.

Here is the link for GAPPs :

How Can I Install?


 Installation can be vary from device to device. You can search on Google, “how to install CyanogenMod for (device name) or how to flash CyanogenMod for (device name)”. It won’t be that hard after having a rooted device with a custom recovery. Specific instructions will be given by the site where you have got instructions to root your phone and flashed a custom recovery. There you can learn how to flash or install a custom ROM with the TWRP or CWM.

Important Notes!

Please note that I haven’t give you specific instructions or methods to root and flash custom ROMs. Each phone has it’s unique way of rooting so I will not be able to instruct you each and every one of them. Do some research and find an easy way to do it. I did like that. Nobody gave me or teach me how to do these. I did them myself with the help of the internet and my brain. 😀 If I can, you guys can too. May be you guys have friends those who already know about stuff like these. Get help from them too.

If you have an old phone try to flash that first before going to an expensive phone. You may brick your phone if something goes wrong. So, be knowledgeable before you step into the Cyanogen world. 😀 I hope you unleash your beast without a hustle.

Adios Amigos!


Android – M is released

Google has announced that they have released next developer version of world’s most popular mobile operating system, “Android – M” starting from this month. The have made this announcement in Google IO annual developer conference held at San Francisco. Just like the last years Google IO annual developer conference held at the same venue, Google has kept the Android users guessing about the name of the new version. All we know for now is it starts from “ M “.

So far with Android’s alphabetical order of sweets we have,

Alpha (not a sweet)

Beta (not a sweet)







Ice Cream Sandwich

Jelly Bean



M ????????????

Lots of guessings are going around the internet. Most highlighted ones among those areMilk shake, Moon pie, Marmite, Mentos, Melon , Mint and Marshmallow. Like most of others I personally I prefer Milk shake one and I have a hunch it will be the name because last year also my hunched worked 😉

One thing you will have to remember about this version is that Google has only released the developer preview not the consumer version. Meaning if you are an Android developer you can download Android – M and can play with it. As this is the developer preview Android – M can be very unstable and developer preview cant be tested on any Android compatible device. So far Android – M supports for  Nexus 5 (hammerhead) , Nexus 6 (shamu), Nexus 9 (volantis) and Nexus player (fugu). For more technical information on Android – M visit Android developer site. To get an idea about installing Android – M developer preview see this. Rumours has it that the final version of consumer preview will be released by October or November this year. Some of the consideration in Android – M are as follows.


Quality battery life

it seems that in Android – M, Google has focused more on the battery life of the device. Considering with Android kitkat and lolipop, 15% battery saving was achieved in lollipop. Still Android was not fully able to control the power draining unwanted applications running in the background. But with Android – M, they have introduced an intelligent power saving mechanism called Android doze.

Google photo

With introducing Android Photo smart app you will be able to organize your photos and videos without laying a finger on them. Google Photo is intelligent enough to organize your photos and videos the way you want. With Google Photo, you will get unlimited storage of high quality photos (up to 16MP) and videos (upto 1080p). With Google Photo storing, sharing and organizing will be easy as never before.


Improved privacy and security

Just like in lollipop version they have again not forgot about the security features. Normally when we download an app from the play store, app permission to use the device features and components is granted there. But with Android – M, these app permissions will be granted when you are using the app not when downloading. The reason behind this is somewhat unclear to me. But hey, it`s Google we are talking about here. There must be a good explanation for this.n Plus they have also standardised the fingerprint sensors used with Android OS. With these enhancements online mobile payments can be done in a very simple and secure fashion. Their next focus is iris authenticated online mobile payments. It seems like all of our sci-fi fantasies will come to true with Google.

Mobile platform considerations. iOs vs Android vs Windows mobile

Mobile phones are everywhere. Every nook and corner you can easily find a mobile phone, most probably a smart phone. There was a time that you worry about your phones appearance rather than its functionality and inner workings. Flippable, side kick, colored screen phones were most peoples choice back then. Now the things have changed. It matters what kind of phone you are using or on what kind of OS its running, what kinds of apps its supporting or does it has a good hardware spec. These are really important matters to consider whether you are a developer who wants to build mobile apps or a user who want to buy a good smart phone to use. This is  a really good overview of iOs,Android and Windows mobile that can be a good starting point to free from the “best mobile OS dilemma”. Inforgraphy credit goes to nerdgraph.


Google unveils the first Android One Smart Phones

At an event in India yesterday, Google unveiled the first set of devices under their Android One program. Android One is basically a set of specifications and rules for device makers to make low cost Android phones. Also only the stock Android versions are allowed to be loaded on these device ensuring that no performance draining customisations will be added. By manufacturing phones adhering to these guidelines, Google ensures a low cost phone that runs the latest Android version with satisfactory performance while having the ability to stay updated as newer versions are released.

Three phone models under this framework were released at a cost of INR 6399. This approximates to about LKR 13,600 which is actually at a higher cost than some of the smartphones available in the Sri Lankan market (Micromax and Dialog Phones). Although the price is higher this phone does have the advantages of better performance and support for version upgrades. Google mentioned having Sri Lanka in its road map for Android One, and at that time we would able to see the take up of it in the local market.

Android L : Four new features that you need to know

A month ago at the annual Google I/O, Google announced a major update for their mobile operating system called Android L (most probably Google might call it Lollipop and Android 5.0 at the final release). Since 2008 Google tend to update their Android OS annually with a project in focus, in 2012 Google introduced “Project Butter” for Android Jellybean which pushed the OS to run at 60fps. In 2013 Google introduced “Project Svelte” for Android Kitkat which made the OS to run at low specs phones even with 512MB RAM. But this year Google came out with several updates at once for their latest OS Android L. Here I’m going to point out four major features in Android L, so let’s start one by one.

 Material design

Google introduced Material design, it’s visual language in Android L. Material design facilitates a unified visual experience for users which lets them know how Android OS UI behaves. Google is calling this update as the biggest update ever made since 2008. Material design features a new theme, new animation capabilities, 3D views and it has real-time shadows.

 ART runtime

ART the new runtime was introduced in Android 4.4 as an option which can be turned on and off in developer tools. However in Android L, Google replaced Dalvik with ART and sets ART as the default runtime. Comparing to the older version Dalvik, ART has many improvements. According to the Android police blog, the new runtime is 20% faster in CPU floating operations, 10% increase of speed in RAM operations, improved garbage collection and increase in battery life. Checkout the chart below.

ART Runtime performance

 Project Volta

Android L OS’s second biggest project is “Project Volta”, this project is mainly focused on battery saving. When Google was doing some testing suddenly they found out that a device needs 2 minutes of battery power to wake up a device. Ars technica did some testing on Android L’s battery life, according to them Android L is 36% more efficient than the older version Android 4.4.4.

Project Volta


In Android L Google did some big changes for notifications and the status bar, now you can have notifications on the lock screen and you can prioritize them too. A new notification feature called “head’s up” which Displays notifications as a floating popup so you can accept or ignore calls, see notifications while you are playing games or doing something important without leaving the current screen.

(Image Credits :,

Forgot your Windows 8 Password?

Forgot your Windows 8 password? Can’t access to your account?? Need to recover your personal and valuable data??? And you don’t have any hopes left????

Not any more unless you got some brains and willing to get it all back. Let’s get in to the business shall we? 😀

Step 1. Get a Linux Live Cd or bootable USB*

*If you don’t have one, we’ll create one. 😉 Download the software from this link: and download the Ubuntu OS from this link: then create a Linux CD or USB. And of course you have to use another PC or a laptop for that since you cannot access to your one.

Step 2. Boot from the Linux CD or USB**

**Click: Try Ubuntu or Try Linux

Step 3. Go to C:\Windows\System32***

***Click: Left corner, a folder like icon. Then to where your OS has been installed. Not the recovery drive. Not the OEM drive. Simply where the system files are.

Step 4. Rename “Utilman.exe” file to “Utilman1.exe”

Step 5. Now rename “cmd.exe” file to “Utilman.exe”

Step 6. Restart your PC and remove the CD or USB

Step 7. Now you will see a screen like a normal windows 8 login

Step 8. Now click on “Ease of access”(Left bottom corner of the screen) and cmd.exe will pop up****

****No, it’s not magic. That’s why we changed that “Utilman.exe” to “cmd.exe” 😉

Step 9. Type “net user”, without quotes in command prompt and hit enter. It will show all users list.

Step 10. Now you have to add a new user so type;

“net user /add david 1234”

Here your new username is “david” and its password is “1234”

Step 11. Now you have to make this user as an administrator, so type;

“net localgroup administrators david /add”

Then type; “net share concfg*C:\/grant:david,full” Type exactly how it shows!

This command will give the user, david, full access on the system. Which means, he has the administrative rights and can access to any user folders. And that’s our purpose. 😀

Step 12. Restart your pc, and login with your new user here its “david”, give the password “1234”

Step 13. Now you are done! You may create a new user and transfer your personal files or you can delete the account.

Step 14. Now you might need to change the modification you have done to the system file, so restart the PC and boot with the Linux CD or USB. Then go to C:\Windows\System32 folder, rename “Utilman.exe” to “cmd.exe” and now rename “Utilman1.exe” to “Utilman.exe”.

Step 15. Restart and remove the Linux CD or USB.

All done! Enjoy your recovered data. J

PS: If you have by any chance a Microsoft account that synced, you don’t have to be this much troubled. Please visit Microsoft website and reset your Microsoft account password and try log in with internet access. If that doesn’t help, oh yes this will help you. 😀



Android KitKat : The next Android Version (4.4)

A few hours back Google made a surprise anouncement that their next Android version would be named ‘KitKat’ named after the well known nestle chocolate. Yes folks this is no joke(April fools is a good 8 months away) apparently they ditched the previously announced name Key Lime Pie as many are not familiar with it. KitKat will be Android version 4.4 and continues the line of alphabetical deserts. Not much details are given out on the new version, but we are hoping for some crunchy new features.

A new page is now available showing the journey of android through the versions. You can view it here. Shown below is an extract from it.

Also take a break and look at our previous article on the different features of  Android versions.

Android Versions to KitKat


Apple iOS7 Features – Infographic

Last week, the technology world got the first look of Apple’s upcoming OS, iOS7. In comparison to other version upgrades iO7 saw a significant change in the design and the features. The design has moved on to a flatter cleaner look courtesy of head designer Jonathon Ive. Most of the key components got a functionality revamp while some features were added on. The below infographic(by Hasan Alkhatib) gives a quick overview on the revamped components and the new ones. There were mixed opinions on the new OS, with critics hitting on the new look. What is your personal take on the new iOS7?

ios7 features