
Category - Entrepreneurship

ගෘහ නිර්මාණ ශිල්පයට නව පණක්

අපේ ලෝකය නිරන්තරයෙන් වෙනස් වෙමින් පවතී. එබැවින් අපි අනුවර්තනය වීමට ඉක්මන් විය යුතුය. බොහෝ මිනිසුන් නව ජීවන මාර්ග සොයා ගැනීමට පෙළඹෙන කාලයක පෙර සැකසූ නිවාස තිබිය හැකිද? Turin හි Fabio Vignolo සහ Francesca Turnaturi යන ගෘහ නිර්මාණ ශිල්පීන් දෙදෙනා ඉදිකිරීම් ක්ෂේත්‍රයට නව ආරම්භයක් දෙමින් පෙර සැකසූ නිවාස කිහිපයක් පෙන්වා දෙයි. ඔවුන් දෙදෙනා විශ්වාස කරන්නේ මෙසේ පෙර සකසන ලද ලී ව්‍යූහයන් මගින් වඩා හොඳ අනාගතයක් නිර්මාණය කිරීමට අවකාශය ලැබෙන බවයි. 

මෙම නම්‍යශීලී පෙර සැකසූ නිවාස ඉදිකර ඇත්තේ රේඛීය ව්‍යූහයන් එකලස් කිරීම මඟින් පහසුවෙන් සාදා ගත හැකි අයුරෙන්ය. මෙය නිපදවීමට භාවිතා කර ඇත්තේ පාරිසරික තිරසාර ද්‍රව්‍යයන් වන අතර මෙම නිවාස 21 වන සියවසේ ජීවත් වීම සඳහා ආකර්ෂණීය ආයෝජනයක් වේ. 

මෙම නිවාස වලට මිනිසුන් ඇලුම් කරයිද ?

පෙර සැකසූ නිවාස කෙරෙහි උනන්දුවක් දැක්වීම සඳහා ආර්ථික හා සමාජයීය සාධක රාශියක් බලපා තිබේ. නව පරම්පරාව දේපළ වෙළඳාම සඳහා ආයෝජනය කිරීමට උනන්දුවක් නොවන්නේ එය කිසිඳු සහතිකයක් නොමැති දිගුකාලීන වියදමක් බැවිනි. තරුණ කණ්ඩායම් දැරිය හැකි නිවාස ඒකක සහ හදිසි අවස්ථා වලින් පසු කෙටි කාලීන ජිවන නිවාස ඉදිකිරීම, අත්දැකීම් සහිත සංචාරක කටයුතු සඳහා ඒකක සැලසුම් කිරීම දක්වා විවිධ ක්ෂේත්‍ර හරහා කටයුතු කරයි. යෝග අභ්‍යාස සඳහා සහ මිදි වතු වල සිටම වයින් රස බැලීම සඳහා වන ඒකක ද මේ අතර ප්‍රචලිතය. Plywood panels සහ Plexiglass roofs යන ඒවායින් නිමවා ඇති මෙම ව්‍යූහයන් භූ දර්ශනය සමඟ ඒකාබද්ධ වෙමින් අතිවිශිෂ්ට අත්දැකීමක් ලබා දීමට සමත් වේ.

Ciabot 2.0 කියන්නේ මොකක්ද? 

නවතම නිෂ්පාදනය වන්නේ Piedmont හි Langhe වයින් කලාපය සඳහා විශේෂයෙන් නිර්මාණය කරන ලද Ciabot 2.0 ය. ඵෙතිහාසිකව, Ciabot යනු මිදි වතු අතර පිහිටි කුඩා ගඩොල් ගොවිපොළක් වන අතර එය ද්‍රව්‍ය තැන්පත් කර කම්කරුවන්ට නවාතැන් පහසුකම් සපයයි. කෘෂිකර්මාන්තය යාන්ත්‍රිකකරණය කිරීමත් සමඟ, Ciabot අතහැර දමා ඇති නමුත් ඒවා යුනෙස්කෝ ආරක්ෂිත ප්‍රදේශයක ඵෙතිහාසික ව්‍යුහයන් වන බැවින් ඒවා ඉවත් කළ නොහැක. මෙම අතහැර දැමූ ඒකක යථා තත්ත්වයට පත් කර ඒවා නැවත ප්‍රයෝජනයට ගත හැකි නිර්මාණාත්මක ක්‍රමයක් ලෙස Ciabot 2.0 නිපදවා ඇත. එය විනිවිද පෙනෙන නිසා අමුත්තන්ට ඔවුන්ගේ වටපිටාව සමග සම්බන්ධ වීමට ඉඩ සලසයි. 


පෙර සැකසූ ව්‍යුහයන් එකලස් කිරීම පහසු වන අතර බහු ක්‍රියාකාරී, තිරසාර හා ආපසු වෙනස් කළ හැකි – පරිසරයට කිසිදු අහිතකර බලපෑමක් නොවන බව සහතික කරයි. එය වාරයක් සඳහා සැකසිය හැකිය, අවශ්‍ය විට එය ඉවත් කිරීමට හැකිය. ඔබ ව්‍යුහය වටා අලෙවිකරණ සැලැස්මක් සකස් කරන්නේ නම්, ඔබේ අමුත්තන්ට ලබා දීම සඳහා ඔබට නව සේවා පරාසයක් නිර්මාණය කළ හැකිය. සංචාරක කර්මාන්තයේ දියුණු වීමත් සමඟම, නිර්මාණශීලීත්වයට විශාල ඉඩක් ඇත. සමාජ දුරස්ථභාවයේ වැදගත්කම පිළිබඳව අප විශේෂයෙන් දැන සිටින මේ මොහොතේ, මෙය අපගේ සාම්ප්‍රදායික නිවාසවලින් පිටත පෞද්ගලිකත්වය, හුදකලාව සහ ස්වාභාවික අත්දැකීමක් සහතික කරයි.


මෙම නිවාස ශක්තිමත් වන අතර විනිවිද පෙනෙන Plexiglass දෘඩ තහඩු සහ ශක්තිමත් කරන ලද Birch Plywood වලින් සාදා ඇති අතර සාම්ප්‍රදායික නිවාසවලට වඩා සැලකිය යුතු තරම් ලාභදායී හා ඉක්මන් වේ. මෙය එකලස් කිරීම හා ගැලවීම පහසුය, එයින් අදහස් කරන්නේ පුද්ගලයන් දෙදෙනෙකුගේ නිවසකට අමතර කාමර එකතු කිරීමෙන් පහසුවෙන් පවුලේ නිවසක් බවට පත් කිරීමට හැකි බවයි. පසුව, ඔබට අඩු කිරීමට අවශ්‍ය වූ විට අමතර කොටස් ඉවත් කිරීමෙන් ඔබේ ඉඩ ප්‍රමාණය නැවත සකස් කර ගැනීමට හැකිය.

නවතම නිර්මාණය

ඔවුන්ගේ නවතම නිර්මාණ අතර Floating Diamond, Alpine Hut සහ Nest Box ඇතුළත් වේ. සාමූහික උද්‍යාන හා පොදු ප්‍රදේශ බෙදා ගන්නා ප්‍රජාවන් සංවර්ධනය කිරීම සඳහා ද නිවාස සම්බන්ධ කළ හැකිය. මෙම ඒකක මගින් සංචාරක කර්මාන්තයේ විශාල වෙනසක් සිදු කිරීමට හැකියාව ලැබෙනු ඇත. 

What do you know about the life at Google?

“It is always good to work with people who make you feel insecure about yourself. That way, you will constantly keep pushing your limits.” ― Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google.

The above quote inevitably provides us an outlook on the life at Google.

Google is an American based company, most commonly known as a search engine. The company has gradually expanded into an arena of cloud computing, software, and hardware since the vast majority of its income comes from advertising.

The company was originally founded in 1996 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page while they were students at Stanford University, California. In 1998 the company was integrated but then it held an IPO in 2004 to introduce to the public once again. In 2015, the company announced its plans to reorganize its many interests as Alphabet. Google is the leading subsidiary of Alphabet and operates as an umbrella to its Internet interests. Following the restructure, Sundar Pichai; consistently one of the highest-rated CEOs, became the CEO of Google while Larry Page became CEO of Alphabet.

Google is ranked No. 4 on Glassdoor‘s most recent “Best Places to Work” ranking, where the employees rated the company a 4.4 out of 5 stars. With well-publicized employee perks and great pay, Google consistently rates as one of the best tech companies to work for.

But what’s it really like to work there?

The below mentioned are the Glassdoor reviews by the employees about being a Googler.

1. Google treats its employees to parties and outings like ski trips to Vermont and picnics during the summer.

2. Top executives like Alphabet CEO Larry Page and President Sergey Brin frequently hold forums on Fridays called TGIF, where employees can ask questions about the company. Therefore no matter how controversial, and frequently the executives will be responsive.

3. Employees have access to gyms, volleyball courts, a bowling alley, and an outdoor sports park at Google’s Mountain View campus, encouraging the employees to use the company’s facilities since Wellness is a priority at Google.

4. The company serves employees free three meals a day, spending millions each year on food. Google is known for serving gourmet food, and has numerous cafes and food trucks at its Mountain View campus.

5. Google employees make a median salary of $140,000, and employees get healthy bonuses, stock options, and 401k matching.

6. There are all kinds of perks like massages, music lessons, and the option to bring their dogs to the office.

7. Many Googlers talk about the flexibility within the company and say that they’ve moved to new teams, projects, or departments fairly easily if they are performing well. They also get fair promotions frequently.

8. Officially, Googlers can also spend time working on other projects which might interest them, outside of their day-to-day responsibilities.

9. The “TechStop”, be the Google’s in-house tech support, helps employees with hardware and software issues which are open 24/7 hours.

10. Commuting is free for Google employees at the Mountain View campus where they can ride a free shuttle bus; which is equipped with Wi-fi, to work each day.

11. Google offers benefits to the families of deceased employees. Not only does their stock immediately vest, but their spouse will get half of the employee’s salary for 10 years, plus $1,000 per month for any children.

12. Google’s facilities are top-of-the-line, featuring indoor rock-climbing walls, facades designed by well-known architects, and breathtaking views.

13. Googlers describe their fellow employees as “great colleagues with great technical skills”, “incredibly talented”, and “super smart”, to show their respect to the teammates.

14. Google’s parental leave policy is amazing. The new dads can take up to six weeks off (which is a typical policy for new mothers) while moms can take triple that.

Given all these facts, working at Google might seem a dream job, but it is our duty to know that nothing comes easy! It’s all hard work and dedication which drew the Googlers, hence the company Google’s success.

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කොටස් වෙළඳපොල යනු ඉතාමත් වේගයෙන් දත්ත හුවමාරු වන ස්ථානයි. එමෙන්ම, ඒ දත්ත ඉතාම සූක්ෂමව සහ නිවැරදිව සකස් කිරීම ඉතාමත් වැදගත් අවශ්‍යතාවයකි. මක්නිසාද යත්, මේවායේ බිලියන ගනන් වලින් සිදු වෙන ගණුදෙනු රටක ආර්ථිකයේ රඳා පැවැත්මක තදින්ම බලපාන බැවිනි.

මාලඹේ Millennium Information Technologies අයතනය, හෙවත් MillenniumIT, එසේත් නැති නම් පොදුවේ MIT ලෙස හඳුන්වන මෘදුකාංග ආයතනය මෙවැනි කොටස් වෙළඳපොල හා බැඳුණු මෘදුකාංග නිර්මාණය කරන ආයතනයකි. එපමණක් නොව, දැනට ස්ථාන 40 කට වැඩි ප්‍රමාණයක කොටස් වෙළඳපොලවල් ක්‍රියා කරන්නේ අපේම රටේ දැනුමෙන් ලියවුණ මාදුකාංග වලිනි. එම ලැයිස්තුවට ලන්ඩන් කොටස් වෙළඳපොල වගේම, අපේ රටේ කොළඹ කොටස් වෙළඳපොලත් ඇතුලත් වේ.

MillenniumIT ආයතනය මුලින්ම ආරම්භ වෙන්නේ 1996 වර්ෂයේ කොළඹ දීය. පසුව එය මාළඹේ නගරයට ගෙන එන්නේ සේවක සංඛ්‍යාව වැඩිවීම නිසා පමණක්ම නොව, කර්කෂ නාගරික පරිසරයෙන් මිදී මෘදුකාංග නිර්මාණයට ගැලපෙන වටාපිටාවක් ඇති කිරීමේ අරමුණිනි. ඔවුන් නිර්මාණය කල මෘදුකාංග වල ඇති උසස් බව නිසාම 2009 දී London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) මගින් MillenniumIT ආයතනය අත්කරගන්නා ලදී. එය MillenniumIT ආයතනයේ නම පමණක් නොව, මුළු ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේම නාමය අන්තර්ජාතික තලයට ගෙන යාමට මුල් වූ කරුණකි.

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Sri Lanka tech start up success – Frontcube

28th July, 2015; Colombo – Founded in 2010 from a humble home, Frontcube has become a formidable force to reckon with in the techsphere in Sri Lanka with its highly successful and widely profitable designs for clients ranging from Al-Jazeera, Microsoft to successful Silicon Valley Start-ups.

 FrontCube also marks a momentous fifth anniversary today. “Although five years may not be a long time, it is a major milestone for us, because we are proud to have done this completely on our own and feel blessed of having achieved as much as we did in such a short time,” said Aslam Najeebdeen founder of FrontCube. “Innovation is the cornerstone of every business aspect and together as a team we’ve built a formidable team with creative solutions that are unrivalled.”

Frontcube 6

The tech start-up firm was the driving force behind media giant Al-Jazeera STREAM, a daily television program on Al-Jazeera. Branded as a web community with a Global TV Show, the STREAM taps into the extraordinary potential of social media to disseminate news. FrontCube helped The Stream grow their traffic by 130% in 2012 by implementing a responsive design.

 The company is also working closely with AJ+ (Al-Jazeera Plus) team from the beta phase to design and build an engaging mobile and web user experience.The current website which is the 4th redesign was completed in March last year. The first design created big buzz in the Twittersphare. To-date, Al-Jazeera frequently sources the services of FrontCube for their internal Research & Development as well as web experience projects.

“Aslam is a wonderful anomaly,” says Jorge Soto, Sales Team Lead at Twitter. “He has a tremendous amount of passion for his craft and is always hungry to learn more. I am honored to be partnering with such a great and talented individual. There is no doubt that he will continue to emerge as one of technology’s future leaders.”

Frontcube 1

FrontCube also helped Mobile Action, the mobile app marketing platform to raise USD 2 million by creating their first prototype by designing the new UI and developing a stellar great front-end user experience.  Currently the company is also assisting well known start-up investor Jason Lemkin by redesigning his start-up educational platform

 When inquired about the team that makes FrontCube the success it is, Aslam commented saying that the workforce at FrontCube was akin to a family unit. “We are a small team and we create a niche dominating presence for start-ups and small businesses.”

FrontCube has also started a weekly screencast series called FrontCube TV to share their knowledge and insights to help aspiring designers and developers. The company is also launching the first Sri Lankan start-up podcast next month called “Moving to the Front”. This Podcast will feature interviews of industrial experts who would address the issues that every start-up and small and medium enterprises face.

Frontcube 4
For those wishing to get in-touch with the team at FrontCube, you may visit their site on or simply call them on +94772272655.

What does it cost to run a startup?

In this day and age, the advancement of communication and the internet have opened up a large number of  business opportunities for startups. You tend to hear the success stories of the startups with their break though product and then selling them for an insane amount of money to the big giants like Google, Amazon and Apple. In the backdrop of the successful startups are a lot of failed startups as well which for obvious reasons, we do not hear about. Even though there is a high rate of failure, the chance to make a life changing product as well as being able to work for yourself has made starting a startup still very tempting.

Of course there is the cost involved with putting up a startup, and the guys and have put up an infographic displaying what it would cost in various parts of the world. The value will be about $40,000 to $50,000 in Sri Lanka which is comparatively low. However since the market in Sri Lanka is low, it is advised to target a foreign market for your product. Infographic credits to


Idea Bash 2014 – Live

Welcome to the live blog of Idea Bash 2014

Venture Engine – Ideamart Startup Competition 2014

Over the past couple of years Ideamart, the developer platform powered by Dialog Axiata, has enabled the creation of thousands of apps, by hundreds of developers and content providers. Most of these apps are SMS and USSD based apps using telco APIs exposed by Dialog. Developers who have utilized this platform successfully are getting good returns and has resulted in the emergence of several entrepreneurs.

With aims of taking these entrepreneurs to the next level, Ideamart has partnered with Venture Engine to bring Venture Engine – Ideamart Startup Competion. This competition will provide developers with high potential Ideamart apps a chance to obtain funding to transform that idea to a successful startup. This is a valuable rare opportunity, and hopefully the developer community will take full advantage of it. Ideas should be submitted by the 20th of April. No time to lose!!

For more information on the competition click here.

To learn more about Ideamart, visit

Venture Engine Ideamart

An interview with the founders of Arangaya Apps

Note from the Editor:  Arangaya Apps is a Mobile Application Development company which was founded in 2009 by 2 Sri Lankans, Chamira Fernando and Shenal Murray. During these few years Arangaya Apps has become one of the leading iOS app developers in the Sri Lankan market and are the creators of popular apps such as SL Radio, SL Paper, SL Dictionary, iSinglish, and SL Chat.

We got a chance to have an interesting chat with the founders on their journey, their motivation and the future plans of Arangaya Apps.

What is Arangaya Apps? What is the objective behind it?

Well this is how it started. Since I was away from home (Sri Lanka) I wanted to keep in touch with Sri Lanka all the time. I wanted to read local newspapers, to listen to local radio. So when I got my iPhone, I thought of doing a SL newspaper app in order to read the local paper. Then I wanted others to read newspaper on their own devices. So in 2010 I thought of doing the SL paper app for all Sri Lankans. That’s how we started, to enable Sri Lankans to know what’s happening at home. That’s the whole intention, because I know personally that being away from home is not easy and being in touch helps a lot.

SL Paper

After that we released SLRadio which became a big hit in the iOS market. Once that happens, you know once you do thing right other ideas would also start to work out. Then we thought of doing SL Dictionary followed by iSinglish which is a phonetic Sinhala editor. Recently we launched SL chat, for users to chat in Sinhala.

Who are the people behind Arangaya Apps?

At the moment there is, Myself (Chamira), and Shenal. I (Chamira) work on the iOS development. Shenal is our creative designer.

Arangaya Founders

How did you guys get together to form Arangaya Apps? What motivated you to take it forward?

Actually at that time I studied is Singapore and Shenal was also in Singapore. We met in one of the social events for Sri Lankans. Shenal is good designer and a really humble guy, so I asked him whether he wants to join with me on this task, and he agreed.

One day, we met up at McDonalds and decided that we are going to work on this common objective. We all are having full time jobs, so this started as a kind of a hobby, something to do when you have free time. However with time it gradually turned out to be much more.

It was quite pleasing when we received good feedback from users for our initial apps like SL Radio. That plus the fact that our apps were at to the top in the Apple app store really motivated us.

Where did the name Arangaya originate from?

Arangaya is actually an endemic bird to Sri Lanka. We wanted to have a name that would be unique and related to Sri Lanka. Arangaya also sounds good for a company name.

What is your flagship product?

Definitely it’s the SLRadio app. You can check the number of downloads, we have over 150,000+ downloads. We are pretty happy and proud of that product. None of the other SL apps have this many downloads.

SL Radio

How do you run your organization?

Communication is a bit of hassle, but Shenal sleeps in odd hours so communicating with him is not a problem. However with so many communication mediums available nowadays, we somehow manage. I (Chamira) take the role of the Project Manager and take the responsibility on driving the project.

At Arangaya apps, we give a lot of emphasis on the design quality of the app.

Design prospective is one of our main concerns. We have seen some Sri Lankan apps in the appstore lacking a good designs. We make sure our apps are high quality in terms of the design and ultimate user experience.

How do you manage to put time in to Arangaya while working full time?

Actually I work for another app development company in Norway. After work there is some free time. However when I was in Singapore it was really tough, but when you have the motivation you can do thing even when it gets difficult. Due to this we don’t go out much. That is a sacrifice we have to make at these initial stages.

How many iOS/Android apps do you have?

In iOS we have 15 apps. And some of the apps are not in the store right now since they are seasonal. Like the one we did for the T20 cup, for ball by ball commentary. We currently do not have any Android apps, but they are in the pipeline.

Arangaya Products

What is your revenue model? Is Arangaya Apps still a hobby?

It is a business now. Revenue is mainly from downloads and mobile advertisements. SL Radio has ads on it, and we get revenue from that. There are advertisement free premium versions of some of our applications which brings revenue per download. SL Radio and SL Dictionary are the main apps that bring us money.

Do you develop apps for 3rd Party clients? Will that be your future target?

We have done apps for 3rd parties in Norway and Singapore. We want to do products for Sri Lanka and we want to have a development company in Sri Lanka soon. By the time we move back to Sri Lanka we would have our own company.

Although we will put some time for 3rd Party Apps, we want to make the full package of apps for Sri Lankans. So we will continue to create great apps for Sri Lankans.

Are you looking at making apps for the world market?

Yes we have a plan to go Global. Currently we have apps for the Norwegian market. We want to expand our products to markets in US, UK, Japan and Australia where there is a huge potential.


Is your team hiring?

Yes, if there are any young developers or designers, who want to excel in this area, and if you have the right attitude and willing to work hard, contact us on . You have a chance to do cool stuff and be part of something Special.

What is your message to budding entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka?

We will summarise our message to young entrepreneurs in three words!

Passion –  In order to succeed in your career you must have deep passion! Passion is your energy, It drives you where you want to be. Find your passion!

Confidence – The whole would against you and your ideas, they think you are crazy and unrealistic but trust yourself have confidence on what you do!

Commitment – Having passion and confidence wouldn’t take you where you want to be! It is ultimate commitment which would take you where you want to be.  Give your full commitment! Its not easy! There would be so many occasions you feel like giving up. Never ever give up! Your hard work will be paid off.

“Arangaya Apps”  is a result of Passion, Confidence and Commitment!


For the 3rd consecutive year Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Global startup labs (Formally known as AITI) successfully carried out their annual student entrepreneurship program which spanned for 7 weeks in corporation with the University of Moratuwa – Sri Lanka. This is a program to assist cultivating the next generation of entrepreneurs in emerging regions.

During these seven weeks, 24 Sri Lankan top undergraduates were teamed as five companies to develop startups based on a mobile or web application with careful guidance of four MIT instructors AkankshaAmber, Dhaval, Valerie, industry professionals and mentors in Sri Lanka as well as alumni of previous GSL classes. Program curriculum consisted of not only technical coding but touching every crucial subject and skill areas essential for these budding entrepreneurs from market research and business law to finance and presentation skills.

There were industry visits where these students had the opportunity to meet the innovative brains behind the successful startups such as Millennium IT and Furthermore the students participated in a weekend long hackathon sponsored by Google – Sri Lanka. Also they pitched their products twice before Launch Day to investors and consultants.

Marking the end of this year’s program, the ‘Launch Day – the culminating event’ was held last week (1st August 2013) at The Kingsbury- Colombo with a gathering of industry professionals, and leading entrepreneurs.

It was a four hour event auspiciously commenced with lighting of the oil lamp by the honored guests followed by welcome note by Amber Houghstow – MIT.


Opening key note was given by Dr. Harsha de Silva – Consultant Lead Economist mentioning the value of this program to Sri Lanka.


All five startups were presented to the audience with a judging panel comprised of 8 industry professionals.

  • Rohan Jayaweera, Sri Lanka Country consultant, Google Asia
  • Udena Wickremaesooriya, Member board of Brandix
  • Anthony Rodrigo, Group CIO, Dialog
  • Prabath Gamage, GM, Product Development and Customer Solutions
  • Prajeeth Balasubramaniam, Founding partner at Lankan Angel Network
  • Dumindra Ratnayake, CEO, Etisalat
  • Nissanka Weerasekera, Partner, Aureos Capital
  • Kasturi Wilson, MD at Hemas Holdings PLC

Team presentations were highly professional and the manner the students presented them was extremely amazing.

Refreshment and networking break was carried out where the gathering was given the opportunity to see live demos of the products and to meet these budding entrepreneurs personally. In the meantime, the gathering was requested to vote for the audience choice award by filling an online form.

Then the session commenced with a speech from Professor Ananda Jayawardhana – Vice Chancellor University of Moratuwa, followed by a few tokens of appreciation to the MIT Team.

Madu Ratnayake – Director & Vice Chairman of SLASSCOM, addressed the gathering on GSL – path ahead in Sri Lanka emphasizing how the Sri Lankan community has been teamed up to take this initiative forward in upcoming years

The most awaited moment, the ‘Awards and Recognition’ session started with SLASSCOM entrepreneur awards presented as follows by Madu Ratnayake

2nd Runners up – Team WhiteRay for product Careless Droid

1st Runners up -Team BeeHex for product ClicknPick

The Winner – Team HawkEYE for product

There were three more awards from the launch day co-sponsors Dialog, Etisalat and Mobitel as follows

Dialog Technical Innovation award – Team WhiteRay for product Careless Droid

Mobitel Audience Choice Award – Team WhiteRay for product Careless Droid

Etisalat Social Impact Award – Team HawkEYE for product

That concluded the MIT GSL 2013 launch day and it is the day these students launch into becoming entrepreneurs. Congratulations to the winners of the MIT GSL 2013 and wish you all the best for all five teams for a successful business in the future.

Do take a look at the new startups and their respective projects  for MIT GSL – Sri Lanka 2013 which are listed below. by team AquaVision

VMart is a new online platform where any budding entrepreneur can easily set up an online business within 5 to 10 minutes. In that time, any interested seller can sign up, create their own profile, customize and personalize their storefront, upload their first product images and descriptions, and begin receiving online orders.

ClicknPick by team BeeHex Technologies

With the array of its remarkable features of referrals, profile building and gamification ClickNPick is a web application with an Android mobile component which provides a two-way platform for the tutors and students. Tutors can post their expertise whilst interested parents or students can view these details and together with the review/rating scheme, can easily select the best suited for their needs and locations.

For more information please visit

Modarue by team Zkylark

With ModaRue, the user can find all the new exclusive fashion releases and offers, they can get style recommendations according to their style preferences and also reserve items for a time period until they visit a particular shop. ModaRue also has a designer corner where fashion designers have their own profiles and can reveal their unique talents.

For more information please visit www.

CarelessDroid by team WhiteRAY

Phone misplacement and theft has become a growing issue in the society. WhiteRAY solves this problem with “CarelessDROID”: an Android application which allows you to connect to your phone via SMS. It doesn’t require Wi-Fi or internet connection. The phone owner can send an SMS from any other phone to recover their data or facilitate phone finding.

For more information please visit Google Play Carelessdroid by team HawkEYE

The time to sort through onslaughts of poorly-matched CV’s in response to your highly selective job postings is over! YouthJobs provides the perfect platform to intelligently filter applicants to your recruitment needs and learn the skills and interests of your potential future employees. For the job seeker, our platform allows you to easily manage your professional profile, construct your CV, find companies that match your skills and interests, and receive career guidance including skills to improve.

For more information please visit

Meetup with Bhasha CEO : Dhanika Perera

 Techwire had the privilege of meeting up with founder and CEO of Bhasha, Dhanika Perera at their recently opened office in Kalutara.  We were able to discuss on his company, their innovative products, and his journey on the entrepreneurship path.

Tell us about Bhasha?

Bhasha Lanka (Pvt) Ltd can be introduced as a Sri Lankan based software development company dedicated for local language software solutions. It was founded by myself in 2011 as a virtual company with no physical office. But today we are a reputed company with number of award-winning products and potential client base.

The story of Bhasha begins when I was in the University. I developed a Sinhala/Tamil supported mobile web browser for my university 3rd year project, innovating a new technology to render complex scripts on mobile screens. It was awarded the mBillionth South Asian award and due to that the demand was coming from the industry Telcos. They wanted to launch it as a product for their subscribers & that’s where I decided to found a startup to do the deal. Actually, that award was the turning point.

Then I started a virtual company just me being the only employee working from home using my laptop. Later three of my colleagues also joined, they are now the directors of the company at the moment. We’ve developed number of innovative products in local language area. We’ve won several awards globally & nationally; The South Asian award in 2011, Four e-Swabhimani Awards in both 2011 and 2012 and National Best Quality Software award in 2012. The recognition gained from those awards has really helped us to boost the company where it is now today.

Bhasha Office

After two years later from its inception, we are in a brand new office with many products in our product suit and a decent client base. Now we are in the process of hiring the best people to work at Bhasha. As an entrepreneur, I think this is the real beginning of the company. Path to success from here is not coming in any map, so I’m hoping to find it in my own way!

When you had an opportunity to get a good job at a decent pay, why did you throw that away?

I’m really passionate about the area that we are working on since the school age. For example, I did a Sinhala based biological encyclopedia for human anatomy as my A/L project. That passion has encouraged me to do something new in that area. I choose to work on my passion in my way as there was no company dedicated to work in this area.


Also, I consider myself as a multi-skilled person. I’m a good developer, designer, speaker, leader, voice over artist, localization professional and technical translator. If I joined a company, I could have become a software engineer; limiting my talents to a certain area only.

The other reason why many find it difficult to make this decision is because of the risk of failing. In my case, even before I pass out from the university I was already working in the area and had products and links with the industry. So, I was fairly confident this would work.

But I’m not ashamed to say that I’ve also selected to work in a company and even signed the contracts just few months before I pass out. When all of the 100 students in CSE making their decisions to be employees in reputed companies, I also decided that I’m going to work in a company for full time and work for Bhasha for part time. Soon, I realized that if I go in that path, I would not do any of those properly. Today, I think it was a weak decision which I’ve managed to correct before it went wrong.


What are your products, in which domain and what is the client base?

We do have both B2C products & B2B products.

Our flagship product is SETT browser for Android. It was the first and only mobile web browser that can used to view Sinhala and Tamil web sites on Android mobile devices. SETT browser is free for users of Dialog and Etisalat and we are working with Mobitel also. Sri Lankans outside of Sri Lanka can use the SETT browser freely with ad support.

SETT browser is also available for Indic languages like Hindi, Bengali, Marti and Gujarati as well. SETT was the first browser to support even Hindi at that time. We have won three awards for SETT.

SETT browser

We also have an award-winning web product called SETTdeco which provides device independent rendering service for Sinhala and Tamil. It enables any user to read Sinhala and Tamil Unicode web contents without depending on user’s language support. Our first client for that was BBC Sinhala web site. Ada Derana and some other local sites also use the same facility. But we have given it for free for Sinhala bloggers for non-commercial purposes as we always promotes the local language use in IT.

We mainly focus on local language products on mobile platforms. Bhasha is the proud owner of the one and only Mobile Sinhala soft-keyboard for Android devices which won e-Swabhimani award in 2012. Another product, Bhasha Puvath is a Sri Lankan news aggregator from news sources from multiple local language news sources. Bhasha Dictionary is an English to Sinhala & vice versa dictionary we developed in collaboration with LTRL of UCSC. Bhasha Puvath & Bhasha Dictionary is available in both Android iPhone platforms. We will soon make available them for Windows Phone platform also. Bhasha Viyunu is a blog reader for local languages. Vishwa Facebook is a Facebook client for Android which support local languages. All these products are ad-supported and given free of charge for users.


In B2B product line, we specialize many industry areas. Mobile browsing, News Media, Mobile banking, m-Commerce, Location tracking, Image sharing & Augmented Reality are the main. Some of our key clients for our B2B products are Etisalat, Dialog, Derana, Hiru, Ceylinco Insurance & Union Bank. In all these products, local language support is available by default. It’s our vision to make sure that we support the user’s right to work with the local languages that they use.

What is the potential that you see in the domain of operation? local language and Mobile as a whole?

According to the stats, there are 20million mobile phones in the country for the 20million people living in this country. Although we have a record high literacy rate in South Asia over 90%, the English literacy rate is about 10% of the total population. You might not be able to understand this reality because of your neighborhood; may be your society is inclined to English as a trend. But there are 18million Sri Lankans who would be comfortable in using their native language as opposed to English. When technology moves fast, we see a huge potential in bridging the 90% of the population with the web and latest services through local language support. It can drastically improve the service reception to the population otherwise unreached. It can improve data usage by which Telcos get a huge benefit from.


In the new technology businesses, engineers have become successful entrepreneurs especially in western countries. Do you see the same trend in Sri Lanka as well?


If you take many well established IT companies, founders are mostly coming from the technology or engineering background. But, since Sri Lanka is lacking the entrepreneurship culture, it’s hard to see newcomers join this list of names. So what we don’t see is a trend as in other countries. Everyone is hoping to do a job; they don’t imagine anything beyond that. Even when I took this decision, I had pressure from my family. They were asking “why don’t you go for a job for a year to take the experience before you start the job”. It’s true that everybody can’t be an entrepreneur. But it’s sad to see that there are not enough attempts from the young techies.


Who helped you during the inception?

My family and my girlfriend helped me a lot backing my decision after I started to work in Bhasha fulltime. My colleagues Chamika Weerasinghe, Ganindu Prabhashana and Punsiru Alwis always help me being the first employees of Bhasha and now being the directors. I had the best support from the department of Computer Science & Engineering of University of Moratuwa completing my engineering degree while creating Bhasha. I would like to mention Mrs. Vishaka Nanayakkara, Dr. Shahani Weerawarana, Prof. Gihan Dias and Dr. Chandana Gamage for their support.

I also really respect Mr. Duminda Rathnayaka the CEO of Etisalat, who saw the potential of SETT long before anybody else. Without his input, Bhasha might not come this far. Mr. Harsha Purasingha of Microimage is also one of my entrepreneurial mentors. I would like to thank for the great support from all industry leaders who are today our clients for keeping trust on me as a young entrepreneur.


I would like to thank the government and the ICTA about their tremendous support for tech startups. It was varying from the awards to the consolation to funding opportunities through ICTA Spiralation program.


There are 100 graduates coming out each year from the Computer Science & Engineering. In your batch, how many of your batch mates have started a company?

Only myself.


Isn’t that something strange? Is this something that we can afford as a nation?

I think it is due the non-entrepreneurial culture we have. Everyone is looking for a job as soon as they get some educational qualification. Many don’t even think that there are options out there other than going for a job. Even the society and traditional industries do not have a good picture on their mind on young entrepreneurs. This is something we have to correct from everyone’s attitudes. In my opinion at least we as undergraduates should try to be job makers in the country, but not job seekers.


My message to these budding entrepreneurs is to follow your passion and back yourself to succeed as an entrepreneur. You may have to work twice as hard (than a job) at the beginning but the rewards you would get down the line would be tenfold or more.