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Social media කියන්නෙ Facebook විතරමද?

ගොඩක් අයට social media කිව්වම මතක් වෙන්නෙ FB එක විතරමයි. එක්කො YouTube, Twitter. ඒව මතක් වෙන්නෙත් පස්සෙ. ඒ තරමටම FB තමයි අපිට ගොඩක් හුරුපුරුදු වෙලා තියෙන්නෙ.

Social media?

Social media කියන්නෙ අන්තර්ජාලය ඔස්සේ පරිගණකය හෝ ජංගම දුරකතනය හෝ වෙනයම් මාධ්‍යයකින් පිරිසක් සමග සම්බන්ධ වෙලා අදහස් දක්වන්න පුලුවන් එකතරා මාධ්‍යයක්. අදහස් දක්වන්න photo, video, articles වගේ දේවල් උනත් වෙන්න පුලුවන්. මෙතන ප්‍රධාන දේ වෙන්නෙ පිරිසක් virtual  විදියට එකතු වෙන එක.


Social media ඉතිහාසය 1997 තරම් ඈතට දිව යනවා. ඒ කියන්නේ ලංකාවට Internet ඇවිල්ලත් අවුරුදු දෙකයි. පලවෙනි social media site එක විදියට සැලකෙන්නෙ Andrew Weinreich කියන පුද්ගලයා තමා මේක හොයාගත්තේ. 2001 දී මේක අක්‍රිය කරලා තියෙනවා.

Makeoutclub කියල 2000 දී තමා ඊලග social media යෙදුම අවේ. 2005 වගේ කාලෙ වෙනකොට MySapce තමයි ලෝකෙම ප්‍රසිද්ධ social media සිතේ එක වෙලා තියෙන්නෙ. එහෙම දියුණුවුණ social media,  අද වෙනකොට 100කට වැඩිය තියෙනවා.

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Database Servers

adv_db_securityDatabase server එකක් කිව්වම හැමෝටම මතක් වෙන්නෙ computers ගොඩක් තියෙන hubs switches තියෙන තැනක්.  හැබැයි එහෙම මතක් වෙනවා නම් එතන පොඩ් අවුලක් තියෙනවා මොකද db server එකක් කියන්නේ hard දෙයක් විතරමක් නෙමේ. database server එකක් කියන්නේ database services supply කරන computer එකක run වෙන computer program එකක්. ඒ වගේම ඒ program එක run වෙන computer එකටත් database server එක කියන්න පුළුවන්. හැබැයි හරිම විදියට කිව්වොත් database server එකක් කියන්නේ software හා hardware දෙකේම එකතුවක්.මෙහෙම කිව්ව database services supply කරන්න පුළුවන් program එකකට අපි කියනවා database management system එකක් කියල. MYSQL, Oracle කියන්නනේ ඒවාට ප්‍රසිද්ධ DBMS උදාහරණ. වෙන විදියකට කියනවා නම් database server එකක functionality (ක්‍රියාව) කරන්න පුළුවන් computer program එකක් තම DBMS එකක් කියන්නේ.අපි තවත් විදියකට database server කියන එක විග්‍රහ කරොත්, database application එකක back-end එක කියල හදුන්වන්නත් පුලුවන්.


Why databases?

ඇත්තටම මේ database එකක් ඕන වෙන්නේ මොන වගේ  දෙයකටද?බැංකුවක්  උදාහරණයට ගන්නකො. එතන ගොඩක්  transactions වෙනවා. ඒවා manually maintain කරන්න  උනා නම් ගොඩක් අමාරු වෙනවා නඩත්තු  කර ගන්න. එකට හොද විසදුමක් තමා database කියන concept එක. database එකක් පවත්වා පවත්ව ගත්තම ගොඩක්  වාසි තියෙනවා. ඒවා වෙනම සදහන් කරන්නම්.

Functions of databases

  • share data දත්ත හුවමාරුව
  • data integrity දත්තවල සත්‍යබව
  • data security දත්ත සුරක්ෂිතතාව
  • control redundancy අනවශ්‍ය අතිරික්තතව පාලනය

දත්ත හුවමාරුව විදියට සලකන්නේ විවිධ අවස්ථාවලදී විවිධ අය සමග කරන දත්ත හුවමාරු. ඒ කියන්නේ බැංකුවක නම් bank officer enter කරන data userට බලන්න පුළුවන් එක වගේ කියන්න පුළුවන්. database එකක් ගොඩක් වැදගත් function එකක් තම integrity කියන්නේ. database එකේ තියෙන data වල සත්‍යබව තමා මේකෙන් කතා කරන්නේ. ඊට අමතරව security හා redundancy controlling කියන දෙවල්නුත් database එකක ප්‍රධාන දේවල්.

What to know about database servers?

database server එකක වැඩ කරන්න Query language එකක් use කරන්න ඕන. MySQL කියන්නේ එහෙම language එකක්. ඒ කියන්නේ අපි database එකට data enter හෝ data retrieve කරන්න වගේම තව database සම්බන්ද වැඩ කරන්න තම query language එකක් ඕන වෙන්නේ. hardware වශයෙන් ගත්තම database server එකක් normal computer එකක් වුනත් run කරන්න පුලවන්. එත් ඒවාට වෙනම හදපු computers තියෙනව. ඒවා specially database server functionalities වලටම හදල තියෙන්නේ. ඒ වගේම ඒ computers run කරන්න වෙනම OS පවා තියෙනව. ලෝකේ වැඩියෙන්ම භාවිත වෙන්නේ Linux base උන OS තමා.  Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) හා  SUSE Linux Enterprise Server තමා Linux based OS servers වලට හොදම උදාහරණ. Apple computers වලට නම් OS X Server කියන OS එක තමා තියෙන්නේ. ඒ වගේම කවුරුත් දන්න Microsoft ලගෙ තියෙන්නේ windows server කියන OS server එක.

sles osxserver win2012වාසි අවාසි  !!!

Database server එකක් use කරන එකේ වාසි අවාසි කීපයක් තියෙනව.

අවාසි විදියට කියන්න පුළුවන් ඉතින් ආරක්ෂාව පිළිබද ප්‍රශ්නේ තම. ඒ කියන්නේ cyber attacks වලට ගොඩක් ගොදුරු වෙන දෙයක් තම data servers. ඒ වගේම අවශ්‍යතාව හදුනා නොගෙන implement කරන server එකක් උනත් අපරාදයක්. එකත් අවාසියක් වෙන්න පුළුවන් අවසානයේ. server එකේ capacity, performance එහෙම හොයල බලන්නැතුව use කරොත් එකත් අවසියෙක් වෙන්න පුළුවන්.

වාසි ගැන කතා කරොත්,  සාමාන්‍ය වැඩකට data store කරන්න අපිට spread sheet එකක් ගන්න පුලුවන්. එත් මහා පරිමාණ වැඩක් කරන්න නම් database මට්ටමටම යන්න වෙනවා. එකෙත් පොඩි computer වල කරාම ඕන වැඩේ efficient විදියට කරගන්න බෑ.  ඒ අතින් ගත්තම database server කියන තැනට එන්න වෙනව. එක තම big picture එකක් විදියට කියන්න පුලවන්. ඒ වගේම concurrent access වගේ දේවල් කරන්න වගේම, backup data වගේ දේවල් කරන්න database servers implement කරන්න ඕන. මෙතන මම server කියල අදහස් කරන්නේ software එකක් නෙමේ. DBMS එකක් run වෙන server machine එකක්.

New trends


අලුත්ම විදියට වැඩ කරන තැන වල නම් database එකක් run කරන්න අලුතෙන් server machines ගන්නේ නෑ. ඒකට තියෙන හොදම විසදුම තම cloud computing කියන concept එකෙන් ලැබිල තියෙන්නේ. එකෙන් වෙන්නේ මොකක් හරි company එකක් කොහේ හරි තැනක ගොඩක් හොද efficient server machines implement කරනවා. ඊට පස්සේ service එක අවශ්‍ය අයට යම් මුදලකට ඉඩ ලබා දෙනවා.එටකොට database server එකේ hardware  සම්පුර්ණ වෙන්ව. software පැත්ත තමා අපි බල ගන්න ඕන.


Security of Database Servers

database එකක් ගත්තම security කියන එකම අත්‍යාවශ්‍යම දෙයක්. එහෙම ආරක්ෂාව තහවුරු වෙන්න නම් database එක run වෙන server machines secure වෙන්න ඕන. ලෝකේ දැන් ලොකු ප්‍රශ්නයක් වෙන තියෙන්නේ cyber crimes කියන එක. එකේ ලොකුම තර්ජනයක් තියෙන දෙයක් තමයි server security කියන එක. මොකද, server එකක් physically වගේම virtually ත් තර්ජනයට ලක් වෙන්න පුළුවන්. virtual attacks වලින් මිදෙන්න තම ගොඩක් අමාරු. එකට කරන්න තියෙන්නෙත් ගෙදර computer එකට කරනවා වගේම ආරක්ෂාවක් තම. හැබැයි මේක ඊට වැඩ දරුණු විදියට ආරක්ෂා වෙන්න ඕන. මම එකෙන් අදහස් කරේ මේවටත් virus guard use කරනවා. unauthorized access නොදීම, remote access වලදී පරිස්සම් වෙන්න වගේ දේවල් කෙරෙන්න ඕන.
මේ ගැන ටිකක් හොද ලිපියක් තම මේ link එක තියෙන්නේ.

කිලෝග්‍රෑමයට නව අර්ථදැක්වීමක්?

ජාතික තාක්ෂණ සහ ප්‍රමිතීන් ආයතනය (NIST) කියන්නේ එක්සත් ජනපද වාණිජ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ පිහිටලා තියෙන මිනුම් ප්‍රමිතිකරණ රසායනාගාරයක්. එතන සේවය කරන භෞතික විද්‍යාඥයින්ට මෑතකදී පුළුවන් වෙලා ප්ලාන්ක් නියතයට (h) ඉතාමත් නිවැරදි පාඨාංකයක් ලබාගන්න. මේක තමයි ඕනෑම ආකාරයක ස්කන්ධයක් මනින්නට තියෙන ලෝක සම්මත අන්තර්ජාතික ඒකකය වන “කිලෝග්‍රෑමය”ට තියෙන නිළ අර්ථදැක්වීම වර්ධනය කරන්න විද්‍යාඥයින් අරන් තියෙන අළුත්ම පියවර. Read More

Traffic Violations happening in Sri Lanka

“Nobody gives way to anybody. Everyone just angles, points, dives directly toward his destination, pretending it is an all-or-nothing gamble. People glare at one another and fight for maneuvering space. All parties are equally determined to get the right-of-way–insist on it. They swerve away at the last possible moment, giving scant inches to spare. The victor goes forwards, no time for a victory grin, already engaging in another contest of will. “ – Andrew Pham

Although the above is a quote describing the traffic in Vietnam, it isn’t far off in describing the traffic experience in Sri Lanka. The traffic rage and traffic violation in Sri Lanka is not the worst in the South Asia region, but it has always been bad. Lately, pretty bad. Traffic lights and traffic signals are not considered as rules, and are followed if convenient . Road lanes are ignored, right of way is ignored and form of courtesy is thrown out the window. These are confirmed by the fact that there have been over 35,000 reported accidents for 2014 with over 2000 fatalities in road accidents.

Now it seems the community has had enough. They are taking on the issue through social media in the form of the Sri Lankan Traffic Violations facebook page. In this page, people submit their daily experiences of traffic violations in Sri Lanka through photos and videos while highlighting the vehicle number as well. This would help in a couple of ways. One, the perpetrator may see his violation online, and would deter from repeating due to public shaming. Secondly other people on page would be extra careful not to do any traffic violations, as they have a sense of responsibility to be better drivers being a part of this community. In addition the page posts educational images on traffic rules and regulation.

The page already has over 11,000 people following it, and is steadily growing. We really hope that this would be a major force in future in curbing the traffic violations in Sri Lanka. This alone would be far from enough, and the police need to really step it up to keep all drivers on the road aligned to the rules. Kudos to the admins for starting and managing this page, and hoping it would have an everlasting impact on the Sri Lanka drivers.

Cover image credits to

3 best paid Online learning sites you should know

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever” said Mahatma Ghandi. This is simply ture. We never stop learning until we die. So better learn most of the things while you can. 🙂 Now with the technology is all around us, learning has gone to a whole another level and learning now has more paradigms more than ever and we can hope it will increase with this rate of technology advancements.

Back then when there were no computers and technology was at a minimum level, there were few learning methods like traditional classroom learning and face to face learning.But now when we look at in a learning perspective online learning, e-learning,distance learning, m-learning new paradigms has arrived and established well with the users. Today we going to introduce some paid online learning sites which a great from my experience although I am not a member of those sites I had the chance of learning from some of the materials and they have turned out to be pretty good. Except for the last one. One of my friend has tried that and told that was quite helpful too. One other thing. Literally you can learn anything from online sites in the internet. But these are some tech related sites that I found.  🙂 . So here we go.

  1. Lynda


Lynda is one of the biggest and known online learning courses available. It is popular for its wide variety of courses offered to the members. Currently they 3441 courses and initially you can start a free trial for 10 days and if you feel the interest you can  subscribe to a basic subscription plan for 25$ a month. It has a wide range of course including programming, multimedia, photography, 3d animation, business and education. These course are carefully designed, modularized and categorized in beginner,intermediate, advanced levels and you can track your progress during the course and even better you can have a hands on experience while you are learning by playing with the exercise files provided. They have group subscription plans and academic subscription plans for academic institutes which is pretty much interesting.

  1. CBT Nuggets


CBT Nuggets is the best place if you are interested in computer networks and systems. it has wide variety courses including network,system administration and engineering, cloud computing, programming and also project management. It offers some vendor certification training courses for Cisco, Juniper, Microsoft, AWS also. I have followed a very few course there but I can personally guarantee you that they are very descriptive and touches all depths of the subject. Two downsides are that nugget videos are too lengthy and it can sometimes be boring and even the basic subscription can go as high as 99$ a month. Thats like 10000 + rupees for month :/ .But they also have 7 day trial and individual and group subscriptions as well.



In SilkShare , more focus is on creativity rather than hard core technical courses. One interesting thing rather than teaching in courses they have class concepts which you can take if you are interested and these classes are more interactive than plain old courses. It has classes for creativity,crafting,entrepreneurship,fashion,music,photography as well as arduino,web programming, email marketing, mobile development and so on. In SilkShare you can either learn or you can be a teacher and teach stuff as well. With SilkShare you can start with a 14 day trial period or have basic subscription for 10$ a month.

These courses are followed by the academics and industry professionals all over the world. Some companie use these materials to train their employees also. Of course everything has a price these days so education or learnings doesn’t come free always. Have sign up for the course and try the trials. If you feel it just by the courses. Most of the time it will be the cost of 2 t shirts you are wearing right now. Anyways money spent on knowledge is not going to be a waste. May be thats why Mahatma Gandhi said   “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”.


Inflight Internet and Inflight WiFi

Access to the Internet has become so commonplace for many of us, that even a few minutes without being able to chat with friends, upload a selfie or just catch up on your friend’s Facebook activities is compared to a catastrophe. Be it basement carparks, elevators or even deep in the Yala forest, people need to be connected.

One of the few places that have remained relatively free from demands of constant Internet access has been the seat of an airplane. Many of us are probably used to switching off our mobile devices while in flight, and amusing ourselves with inflight entertainment or trying to take a nap within the constricted space assigned (unless you are in business class).

Making inflight phone calls has been possible for a while, through onboard phones that made use of satellite communication, since 1998. Wireless communication was deemed off limits due to fears of interference with on-board systems. After receiving the all clear from the aviation authorities, in 2008, passengers using Emirates (and now many other airlines) have been able to use their mobile phones in flight. However, a voice call requires comparatively smaller bandwidth and probably made more economic sense to airlines.

While most of the world’s major airlines all provide in air Wi-Fi, flight service ranking company Routehappy’s analysis[2] from its report on “Global state of in-flight Wi-Fi” shows that on a global scale, 24% of all air miles will have some form of Wi-Fi connectivity; while in the US, 68% of air miles will have Wi-Fi connectivity. It should be noted that only 15% of all air miles of non-US airlines had Wi-Fi connectivity.

So how do you provide broadband connectivity in air?

Firstly, you have to install the Wi-Fi system in the plane – which consists of an external antenna and in-cabin systems including the internal wireless access points. Inflight communication solution providers like OnAir – which is used by SriLankan Airlines – provides both inline and retrofitted solutions for most commercial airline types. Check this video of an installation taking place on a United Airlines plane for an idea of the work required.

The inside of a plane is a difficult environment for radio signals; the tunnel shape of the cabin causes lower losses but creates power addition of local signals causing fading at certain points, while the number of passengers in the plane provide additional obstacles. Therefore, careful modeling and planning of access point placement and power settings need to be done before deployment in each model of plane.

Connecting a plane to the World Wide Web (Backhaul)

  • – Air to Ground (ATG) – Deployed in the US and Canada, cellular-based technologies are used, beaming 3G signals (EVDO in the 3GHz & 850MHz spectrum) from the ground-based towers into the sky and delivers peak speeds of 3.1Mbps. Newer versions of this technology (ATG4) increase the potential connection speed up to 9.8Mbps by using EVDO Rev B and directional antenna, which more efficiently captures the beam being sent up from the tower at ground level. [7]
  • – Satellite – For satellite connectivity, an antenna is mounted onto the top of the plane, inside a “radome” (a domed enclosure). The antenna transmits data rates at 10-30 Mbps to the aircraft. Most satellite operators currently use the Ku band (12-18 GHz band) for mobile connectivity but are looking to use the Ka band (26-40 GHz) in the near future with the advent of technologies that mitigate the rain-fading issues with the band. [7]
  • – Ground to Orbit (GTO) – This hybrid technology proposed by aero-communications service provider Gogo for planes flying in North America. GTO uses a combination of a satellite antenna on top of the plane to receive the signal and the ATG antenna under the plane to return the signal to earth and promising download speeds at a peak of 70 Mbps [1]. Inmarsat is also planning a hybrid satellite and ATG network partnering with Alcatel Lucent for the European continent [5].


Your Wi-Fi experience in the air, therefore, can vary significantly from airline/region to just the aircraft type. Inflight Wi-Fi has come a long way from the initial 332kbps incarnation when satellite bandwidth was at a premium. This year, satellite operator Inmarsat is set to launch more of its Global Xpress system [4] satellites which will be the first high-speed broadband network to span the world. This is set to offer improved downlink communications speeds of around 50 Mbps, with up to 5 Mbps on the uplink side, this version uses the Ka band and steerable spot beams to deliver high-speed broadband connectivity, and to provide capacity where and when it’s needed. With increased demand, we can expect other satellite operators to be planning to offer similar services along with GTA solutions in the near future.




This is My Story – How I became a Google Student AmbassadorThis is My Story – How to become a Google Student Ambassador

Time of Calamity

Boom, project came to an end. Having worked at managed to keep me employed as the Assistant Manager for the project for 7 months managing many youngsters across Colombo and suburbs. They gave a fairly good pay which a Sri Lankan undergraduate would love to work and the front cause is absolutely good. This project indeed gave me an opportunity to meet new people, develop my skills and specially made me realize who are the true friends and ones with “Sheeps with wolves cloak”. Project suddenly comes to an end and I am fasten with financial crisis which brings me down to the Earth, feeling the Apocalypse.

Searching for Light

Time of turbulence, pulling all the connections I had and trying to find a “BIG” company to work. I didn’t fear to face at interviews and I would speak a lot from my experience about a particular area if they ask for a question, for some questions I didn’t know the answer. Some of the connections gave me 110% of their effort to find a job, some didn’t walk the talk and some weren’t sincere enough.  But I always present credits due to all because they at least said “Okay I will try”. Here are some of the places I went for interviews and applied.

  1. Millenium IT – Coordinated by Navodi Kariyawasam – HR Internship -Not Selected
  2. Millenium IT – Coordinated by Navodi Kariyawasam – PM Internship -Not Selected
  3. KDG Global – Supported by Raashid Liyaaff – Sales Manager, South Africa – Selected but didnt go- Commitment was 3 years on a row
  4. Etisalat – Applied by me – Billing Executive – Not Selected
  5. Duo Software – Coordinated by Rusiru Peiris – Junior Project Manager – Not Selected
  6. Duo Software – Coordinated by Rusiru Peiris – Technical Writer – Not Selected
  7. Bileeta – Applied by Me – Application Consultant – Selected and then rejected because my offer was high
  8. 99xtechnology – Applied by me – No reply
  9. WSO2 – Coordinated by Anushke Attanayake – Internship – No Reply
  10. JKCS – applied by me – No reply
  11. Virtusa – Coordinated by Yashodhya Wijesinghe – Associate SE – Not Selected


Going for an interview, failing. Going for an interview, failing. This made me completely loose myself. I was a performer at my University, both in academics and extra curriculum making so many marks in history. But the ones who were not performing that much were in bigger companies. This situation made me really sad and made me think where did it go wrong.

Opportunities never comes twice

It was a quite worrying day and I was addicted to Robin Sharma’s vlogs watching how to overcome the problems. I go to facebook and I see a post by Rohan Jayaweera, Google Country Consultant calling for applications for Google Student Ambassadorship 2013, Southeast Asian region. I read the description of the selection and I realize “Man, this is my time”. The application required recommendation from lecturers, to fill an online questionnaire and a 1min video about myself and plans. From inside me, my desires were burning which I could feel it because I did know this is going to be huge. I contact my lecturers, I contact my program coordinator, filled my questionnaire, wrote the script, made a video  posted on the deadline – April 14th. Special thanks goes to my Dad, Mr.Chaminda Rathnayake, Mr.Chaminda Wijesinghe, Mrs Devika Weerawardane and Rohan Jayaweera for bringing this opportunity for Sri Lanka.

On the other day (April 15th) I leave to Badulla for Twinning Schools Program which is done by United Nations Development Program. I didn’t had any clue that Varuna aiya,Sandhani, Sudaraka and Sisini would arrange me a surprise bday party which happens to be my first B’day celebration without parents. There we had a core team, facilitators and we are equally crazy enough to help people. Always much love to them all for volunteering to make another persons life better. Kudos.

Meeting the Man of Steel

I come home from Badulla on 26th April. No reply from Google, No messages for an interview. Feeling drained again. This time I searched for IT companies in Sri Lanka  and I send my CV to their emails. Two days later I get a call from a company called “Ridgecrest Aisa” for an interview. They are the ones who developed the platform,,…etc. I have a habit to Google about a company before going for an interview and I found that interview is with the CEO Mr.Sanath Fernando who is also a product of D.S.Senanayake College made me feel content because that too is my alma mater.

I go for the interview, late. Mr.Sanath says Shafraz that’s something you should improve to work on time and to inform prior if any emergency with a smile. Interview goes really well and I come back home thinking why this man didn’t scold at me. Mr.Sanath happens to be a Director at SLAASCOM, founder of Ridgecrest Aisa, part of Venture Engine and the 2013 Venture Engine Winner. and Now I call him as Man of Steel.

Best Day in Years 😀

I get a call from Ridgecrest Asia for a second interview and now I am like wow. Its 13th of May, I go to the interview reading the book “Leadership Wisdom” which I got from Manuri Ranasinghe, a person whom I always respect. Interview had 3 phases, 1st with a Project Manager and a Senior QA engineer, 2nd with Staff and 3rd with Mr.Sanath again. To be honest, they are the best staff I have ever met in an interview. SIMPLY the Best. Between the 2nd and 3rd interview they invited me for lunch where everyone sits together and eat. Even the CEO sits on a small bench and eat with the coworkers which is amazing. After the 3rd interview Mr.Sanath explained me what they will be expecting from me and promised me to call back on the other day after discussing with his staff.

I was really happy and I came out of the office with much content.

I started heading towards NSBM because I had promised some of my friends to help on their project.

On my way there I checked my mail and it had a mail from a person called NeeKhen subjected as “Did You made as a GSA”. I was like whats this all about then I opened it and I couldn’t imagine what it read.

Shafraz Rahim, 

Congratulations. You are a Google Student Ambassador

I felt like crying and screaming inside the bus. I take my phone, and call my mother and say the news making her happy for her child. Its a simple moment which could wash away ever pain you had.

Missing a Great Place to Work

As promised, Mr.Sanath Calls me and say they are willing to hire me and the only problem they had was my interaction with extra curriculum work but they believed I will manage it accordingly.

But I had to refuse the opportunity by explaining what I have achieved and without being unfair to them at work.

I have a great respect to them all because them all treated me very well, that’s something most places forgets.

Always you need Good Friends

Power of Association it always really matters. My mother was always there to support me, encourage me no matter what she believed I am capable of achieving big. My aunts always had the grip holding me not letting me down when I am in need. You need people like Manuri, Rusiru to showcase what friendship really means and push you back to the track. You need people like Dilakshi to talk what ever comes to mouth but trying to help always. You always need people like Fadhil aiya, Varuna aiya, Muradh bhai and Hamada Kaka to hold your back.

You always need to be surrounded by people who are willing to help another person without any agenda and just for the sake of being human. People don’t ask for a help for fun, they ask for a help when they are in need.

Miracles do happen but come from hard work

At the first half of the GSA program I managed to become the 6th best Google Student Ambassador in Southeast Asian region and that was the very first time a Sri Lankan came into top 10 Google Student Ambassador’s. Felt really awesome and happy because to gain that position I have made a considerable amount of work while being in the 3rd year at Campus. Finally being a top GSA managed to get me a job at Dialog Axiata.

Final Thoughts

Life is too short to play small. Sometimes because of our difficulties we tend to bow our knees and heads for money and people because they have the power. Sometimes when even people have money they do not want to help people because they care about the ROI but not the humane factor.

When you found your passionate cause, you don’t want to sleep, you don’t want to eat and everything else is just useless for you. You will feel a burn inside your tummy coming across whole body till your brain. Viola, that’s your passion all green lights for you. and that’s how I felt when I was applying for Google Student Ambassadorship.

Do not sell your dreams for money

Do not sell your Passion for money

Do not sell your Crazy desire to make a change for money.

Do the the things which really matters to you.

Dont just be a dreamer, be a man who dreams and do things Differently.  And dont forget to help people in need

-Shafraz Rahim

Against the Odds – Recollections of Dr. Suranga Nanayakkara

Dr. Suranga Nanayakkara currently works as an Assistant Professor at engineering product development pillar of Singapore University of Technology and Design. He was a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT media labs before that. This is his message in retrospect of the 12 years of challenging times.

“Don’t be intimidated by the language barriers, or fanciful technologies. If you work hard and if you’re determined, you will do well. It’s easy to say this. But I know how hard it is because I have gone through those situations”

It was year 2001 when NUS ECE selected a Sri Lankan undergraduate who became 5th in country in GCE A/Level examination. Nine years down the lane, on the 7th of June 2010, this same student stood in front of NUS community as Dr. Suranga Nanayakkara. This is how his NUS story unfolds…

The first semester at NUS was rather a bumpy start. It was not just the cultural shock or home sickness that was unbearable but computers and mode of communication. Computers were completely new to my world and studying in English medium was not much of a difference.


I was nominated for the undergraduate scholarship. But it required me to write up an essay on any topic! I barely managed to scribble two paragraphs about my mother. I could have poured my heart out for an essay on my mom, but that was all I could manage in an essay in English. At the end surprisingly I won the scholarship! It gave me the extra motivation I needed to aim higher.

New to computers as well as to study in English medium, I had a hard time surviving my first semester. Friends had to help me to install software applications and to show me how to use even MSN messenger! Most of the terms used in lectures were way out of my vocabulary. I knew I had to do something before it was too late. I started sitting in the very first row in lectures. I couldn’t afford to skip any of the lectures. I carried small cassettes with me to record the whole lecture. I went back and sat down with dictionaries to make sense out of what the lecturer had said. It was a tiring process, but I enjoyed the challenge.

“My wakeup call was getting an ‘F’ for my computer programming practical exam since I couldn’t type the code in time”

My wakeup call was getting an ‘F’ for my computer programming practical exam since I couldn’t type the code in time. But I didn’t give up. On the contrary, I put in a lot of efforts not just to pass but to excel. Finally all my hard work was paid off when I received all A’s along with two A* distinctions by the end of the semester. I was glad that rest of the semesters smoothly sailed through once I got a hang of it. I even managed to successfully complete a semester at the University of Birmingham, UK on a student exchange program. I managed to engage in extracurricular activities in addition to academics. It gave me pride to represent TeamNUS cricket for eight years and to be recognized as ‘The Most Valuable Player’ in 2007.

“Finally all my hard work was paid off when I received all A’s along with two A* distinctions by the end of the semester with 4.95 GPA out of 5”

Upon graduating in 2005 with a first class honors, I decided to pursue my PhD with NUS. I was blessed with three outstanding research faculties—Dr. Elizabeth Taylor from TMSI, Prof Lonce Wyse from IDMI and Prof Ong Sim Heng from ECE. They supervised and guided me over the four years of my graduate studies. They were friendly, approachable and supportive all the way through. Most importantly they believed in me, which helped me gain that extra confidence to go through very difficult situations.


During my four-year doctoral research, I developed a cross-modal sensory system to enhance the musical experience of the hearing-impaired. Part of this research was carried out in California and Sri Lanka. The system received exceptional feedback: many hearing-impaired users confirmed that their musical experience was vastly enhanced by it. Our work was featured in printed and electronic media including NUS research gallery, Straits Times newspaper in Singapore and the national television channel in Sri Lanka.  We published our work in CHI’09, which was the first ever full-paper by an all-NUS team accepted for this premier conference.

Presenting my work at CHI’09 was a memorable experience; I got the chance to interact with renowned researchers in the field of Human Computer Interaction. The CHI experience helped me secure a postdoctoral attachment at MIT Media Lab where I worked with Professor Pattie Maes.


Overall I had wonderful nine years at NUS and am grateful for giving me the opportunity to excel. Looking back I am happy to have made the best out of what NUS had given me. I should thank all my friends, colleagues and my family for being there for me all these years. Without them I wouldn’t have survived.

Dr. Suranga Nanayakkara was interviewed by his university on the same topic and his interview is available below.

Dr. Suranga Nanayakkara was interviewed by Rupawahini on their project enhancing musical experiences for the hearing-impaired. That interview is available below.